Notre Dame de Rouen. The façade of the Gothic Church in France. Photographer: Hippo1947. Licence: SHUTTERSTOCK.

Thursday 3 July 2014

Pope Saint Leo II. Confessor. Feast Day 3 July. Papacy 682 A.D. - 683 A.D.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

Saint Leo II.
Pope and Confessor.
Feast Day 3 July.


White Vestments.

English: Portrait of Pope Saint Leo II.
Español: imagen del papa leon II.
Date: Unknown.
Source: Basilica di San Paolo fuori le Mura, Roma.
Author: Unknown.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Saint Leo II, a Sicilian by birth, participated in the full Priesthood of Christ (Introit, Epistle, Gradual, Alleluia) on becoming Pope. Guided by the Holy Ghost, Pope Leo II gave their full value to the spiritual riches of the Church committed to his care by Jesus (Gospel, Communion).

He approved the Acts of the Sixth Council, which condemned those who taught that Christ has only one will. Well versed in Sacred Singing, he perfected the melodies of the Psalms and of the Hymns of the Church.

He was truly the father of the poor and, by his example and Preaching, led everyone to virtue. He died in 683 A.D. and was buried in the Basilica of Saint Peter.

Let us imitate the example of this Saint (Collect), who was one of the successors of Saint Peter on the Pontifical Throne.

Mass: Sacerdotes tui.

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia,
unless otherwise stated.

Pope Saint Leo II (611 A.D. – 683 A.D.) was Pope from 682 A.D. to his death in 683 A.D.

He was a Sicilian by birth (the son of a man named Paulus), and succeeded Pope Agatho. Though elected Pope a few days after the death of Saint Agatho (10 January 681 A.D.), he was not Consecrated until after the lapse of a year and seven months (17 August 682). Pope Saint Leo was known as an eloquent Preacher, who was interested in music, and noted for his Charity to the poor.

Elected shortly after the death of Pope Agatho, Pope Leo II was not Consecrated for over a year and a half. The reason may have been due to negotiations regarding Imperial control of Papal Elections.

These negotiations were undertaken by Pope Leo's predecessor, Agatho, between the Holy See and Emperor Constantine IV. They concerned the relations of the Byzantine Court to Papal Elections. Emperor Constantine IV had already promised Agatho to abolish or reduce the tax, that the Popes had been paying to the Imperial Treasury, at the time of their Consecration, an Imperial policy that had been in force for about a Century.

Pope Leo's short-lived Pontificate did not allow him to accomplish much, but there was one achievement of major importance: he confirmed the Acts of the Sixth Ecumenical Council (680 A.D. - 681 A.D.). This Council had been held in Constantinople, against the Monothelite controversy, and had been presided over by the Legates of Pope Agatho. After Pope Leo had notified the Emperor that the Decrees of the Council had been confirmed, he made them known to the nations of the West. In Letters written to the King, the Bishops, and the nobles of Spain, he explained what the Council had effected, and he called upon the Bishops to subscribe to its Decrees.

During this Council, Pope Honorius I (625 A.D. - 628 A.D.) was anathematised for his views in the Monothelite controversy as tolerant of Heresy. Pope Leo took great pains to make it clear that, in condemning Pope Honorius, he did so not because Honorius taught Heresy, but because he was not active enough in opposing it. In accordance with the Papal Mandate, a Synod was held at Toledo in 684 A.D., in which the Council of Constantinople was accepted.

Regarding the decision of the Council, Pope Leo wrote once again in approbation of the decision of the Council and in condemnation of Honorius, whom he regarded as one who "profana proditione immaculatem fidem subvertare conatus est" (roughly, "one who by betrayal has tried to overthrow the Immaculate Faith").

In their bearing upon the question of Papal Infallibility, these words have caused considerable attention and controversy, and prominence is given to the circumstance that, in the Greek Text of the Letter to the Emperor, where the phrase occurs, the milder expression "subverti permisit" ("allowed to be overthrown . . .") is used for "subvertare conatus est".

At this time, Pope Leo II put an end to the attempts of the Ravenna Archbishops to get away from the control of the Bishop of Rome. The Pope sweetened the deal for the Ravenna Bishops by abolishing the tax it had been customary for them to pay, when they received the Pallium.

Also, in apparent response to Lombard raids, Pope Leo transferred the Relics, of a number of Martyrs, from the Catacombs to Churches inside the walls of the City. He also Dedicated two Churches, Saint Paul's and Saints Sebastian and George.

Pope Leo II was originally buried in his own Monument; however, some years after his death, his remains were put into a tomb that contained all four Pope Leos (Popes Leo I, II, III, IV).

Wednesday 2 July 2014

The Visitation Of The Blessed Virgin Mary.

Text and Illustration taken from UNA VOCE OF ORANGE COUNTY
which states that all Text and Illustrations are taken from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
1952 Edition, with the kind permission of St. Bonaventure Press.

Feast Of The Visitation Of The Blessed Virgin Mary.
Feast Day 2 July.

Double of the Second Class.

White Vestments.

Visitation of The Blessed Virgin Mary.

The Angel Gabriel had announced to Mary that God would soon give a son to Elizabeth. The Virgin at once betook herself to Hebron, where her cousin resided: That is the Mystery of the Visitation, which is Solemnised on the day following the Octave of the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist.

On this day, as in the Season of Advent, the Church recalls together the memories of the Precursor and of Jesus and Mary. For we then remarked, that the Friday in the Winter Ember Week recalled to us the same Mystery of the Visitation.

This Feast was instituted for the whole world, in 1389, by Pope Urban VI, in order to obtain the end of the great Western Schism. It was later on raised to the Rite of Double of the Second Class by Pope Pius IX, for on this Feast was completed at Rome in 1849 the victory of the Church over the Revolution.

The Magnificat.
The Canticle of Mary.
John Michael Talbot wrote the music
and the words are from the Gospel of Luke 1:46-55.
Sung by Annie Karto., Jackie Francois, John Michael Talbot.
Available on YouTube at

The Canticle of Mary.
This is Mary's great Exaltation of Praise to God.
For in her visit to Elizabeth, Mary's Faith is validated; that she will be The Mother of the World's Saviour - Jesus Christ! And so, with Rejoicing and Thanksgiving for all His mighty deeds, His mercy on the lowly and His fulfillment of Covenant - Mary's Soul bursts forth with Joy to the Lord.

Mary visits Elizabeth and Jesus visits and Sanctifies John. Wherefore, Saint John leaps with joy and Elizabeth, filled with the Holy Ghost, exclaims: " Blessed art thou among women and Blessed is the Fruit of thy Womb" (Gospel).

The Virgin, Mother of God, who bears and gives birth to Him who bears and produces all things (Gradual, Alleluia, Offertory, Communion) then pronounces a "sublime Canticle" (Introit), the Magnificat.

Saint Benedict Ornate Wall Crucifix.


Saint Processus and Saint Martinian.
Feast Day 2 July.

Red Vestments.

Peter and Paul, cast into the Mamertine Prison, converted their two Warders, Processus and Martinian, and Baptised them. Brought before the statue of Jupiter, these new Christians refused to adore it and were put to death.

Mass: Sapientiam.

New Seminary In France.

This Article was picked up from FR Z's BLOG

The following Text is taken from FR Z's BLOG

I am delighted at this news I just received via email:

I thought you might be interested in learning about the new seminary that will be established presently in the diocese of Fréjus-Toulon by Bishop Dominique Rey, entrusted to the Fraternity of St Joseph the Guardian (FSJC). The goal of the seminary is to form priests from North and South America in order to serve as missionaries in Europe.

The seminarians will be taught both forms of the Roman Rite, with a special focus on the traditional liturgy; their formation will also emphasize the defence of human life in all its stages and the promotion of the natural family. The seminary will be located in Bormes-les-Mimosas with a future branch in La Londe-les-Maures. There is more information at its WEBSITE.

Sounds like a great place to teach! I think that a friend of mine, with whom I was in seminary, will be teaching there.

Tuesday 1 July 2014

Feast Of The Most Precious Blood Of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Feast Day 1 July.

Text and Illustration taken from UNA VOCE OF ORANGE COUNTY
which states that all Text and Illustrations are taken from the Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
1952 Edition, with the kind permission of St. Bonaventure Press.

Feast Of The Most Precious Blood Of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Feast Day 1 July.

Double of the First Class.

Red Vestments.

The Most Precious Blood Of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Liturgy, that admirable summary of the history of the Church, reminds us every year that, at this date in 1849, thanks to the French Army, the Revolution which had driven the Pope from Rome was vanquished.

To perpetuate the memory of this triumph, and to show that it was due to the Saviour's merits, Pope Pius IX, at the time a refugee at Gaeta, instituted the Feast of The Precious Blood.

Pope Pius XI, in 1934, raised it to the First Class.

The Antiphon at the Magnificat
for Second Vespers
on the Feast of the Most Precious Blood
of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Available on YouTube at

Habebitis autem*
hunc diem in monumentum:
Et celebrabitis eum solemnem
Domino in generationibus
vestris cultu sempiterno.

Ye shall observe this day for a Memorial:
And ye shall keep it holy unto the Lord,
Throughout your generations
With an everlasting worship.

[Exodus, Chapter xii, Verse 14]

The Heart of Jesus has made this adorable Blood circulate in His limbs; wherefore, as on the Feast of the Sacred Heart, the Gospel presents to our view the thrust of the lance which pierced the side of the Divine Crucified, Blood and Water gushing forth. [The Office of Matins speaks of the Blood which Jesus shed at the Circumcision, in the Garden of Olives, the Flagellation, the Crowning of Thorns and on the Cross.]

Thus become united the two testimonies which the Holy Ghost bore to the Messias, when He was Baptised in the water of the Jordan and when He was Baptised in Blood on the Cross (Gradual). [The Docetes taught that Jesus  was the Christ at His Baptism, and had thus come by Water, but being no longer Christ on the Cross, He had not come by Blood.]

Let us do homage to The Precious Blood of Our Redeemer, which the Priest offers to God on the Altar.

May They Rest In Peace. Requiéscant In Pace.

Saint Benedict Ornate Wall Crucifix.

1 July 1916, the first day of The Battle of the Somme,
was the worst day in the history of the British Army.

British Army casualties for the day were 60,000.

The Battle of the Somme lasted from
1 July 1916 until 18 November 1916.

In total, there were more than 1 million casualties.

Leyton Orient Football Club
Supporters visit The Somme Battlefields,
July 2011.
Available on YouTube at

Soldiers of the Australian 4th Division, 10th Field Artillery Brigade, on a duck-board track,
passing through Chateau Wood, near Hooge, in the Ypres salient, 29 October 1917.
The leading soldier is Gunner James Fulton and the second soldier is Lieutenant Anthony Devine.
The men belong to a Battery of the 10th Field Artillery Brigade.
Source: This image is available from the Collection Database of the
Australian War Memorial under the ID Number: E01220.
Author: Frank Hurley.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Frank Hurley.
(Editor: Frank Hurley was the photographer, who took the
photo (above) of Australian troops passing through Chateau Wood.)
Date: 1914.
Source: Scanned from The Endurance by
Caroline Alexander ISBN 074754123X.
Author: Frank Hurley (1885-1962).
(Wikimedia Commons)

The Battle of Passchendaele
(or Third Battle of Ypres or "Passchendaele")
July 1917 - November 1917.

In total, there were, approximately, 1 million casualties.

Battle of The Menin Road.
"Australian wounded on The Menin Road, near Birr Cross Road,
on 20 September 1917".
(Caption source: National Library of Australia, n.d. (1 June 2014).
Date: 1917.
Source: State Library of New South Wales file:a479035.
Author: Frank Hurley.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The Accrington Pals.

11th (Service) Battalion (Accrington),
East Lancashire Regiment.
Better known as
'The Accrington Pals' Battalion.

"Accrington Pals",
near Hyndburn Park School, Accrington, Lancashire, 1914.
[Accrington Battalion, East Lancashire Regiment, B Company, No. 1 Platoon.]
Photo kindly provided by Robert and Tony Robinson.

A month after the outbreak of war,
the "Accrington Observer and Times" reported,
on 8 September 1914, that an offer by the Mayor of Accrington, 
Captain John Harwood, to set up a Battalion,
had been accepted by The War Office.

As the recruitment began, on 14 September 1914, 104 men were drafted during the first three hours. Brothers, friends and
work-mates reported together. On 24 September 1914,
The Accrington Battalion had reached a full strength of
36 officers and 1,076 men.

About half of the Battalion were recruited from Accrington and the surrounding area; the remainder were recruited from the neighbouring towns of Burnley, Chorley, and Blackburn.

The 'Accrington Pals' Battalion is probably the most famous of
The "Pals" Battalions, which were erected in the early months of
World War I, in response to Kitchener's call to form a Volunteer Army.
It was formed by men from all walks of life from Accrington, Lancashire, and the surrounding area.

Groups of friends - "Pals" - came forward together, in anticipation of a great adventure. In its first major battle, the Battalion suffered devastating losses in the attack on Serre, France, on 1 July 1916, the first day of
The Battle of the Somme.

The losses were hard to bear in a community where everyone had a close relative or friend killed or injured.

Although the Battalion fought again,
the "Pals" concept was forever lost.

May They Rest In Peace.
Requiéscant In Pace.

"Dies Irae".
The Sequence in a Requiem Mass.
Available on YouTube at

Sunday 29 June 2014

The Holy Apostles Saint Peter And Saint Paul. Feast Day 29 June.

Text and Illustration taken from UNA VOCE OF ORANGE COUNTY
which states that all Text and Illustrations are taken from the Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
1952 Edition, with the kind permission of St. Bonaventure Press.

The Holy Apostles Peter And Paul.
Feast Day 29 June.

Double of the First Class
   with an Octave.

Red Vestments.

The Apostles Peter and Paul.

Today, the whole Church rejoices, for "God has consecrated this day by the Martyrdom of the Apostles Peter and Paul" (Collect). In both the grand Basilicas erected at Rome over the tombs "of these two Princes, who, by the Cross and Sword, have obtained their seat in the Eternal Senate [Hymn at Vespers]," this double Martyrdom was celebrated.

Later, on account of the distance which separates the two Churches, the Festival was divided, Saint Peter being more specially honoured on 29 June and Saint Paul on 30 June.

Saint Peter, Bishop of Rome, is the Vicar, that is to say, the visible representative of Christ. As is shown in the Preface, Alleluia, Gospel, Offertory and Communion, the Jews had rejected Jesus. They also rejected His successor (Epistle). Displacing the religious centre of the world, Saint Peter then left Jerusalem for Rome, which became the Eternal City and the Seat of the Popes.

Saint Peter, the first Pope, speaks in the name of Christ, Who has communicated to him His Doctrine of Infallibility. He is not guided by flesh and blood, but by the Heavenly Father, who does not permit the gates of Hell to prevail against the Church, of which he is the foundation (Gospel).

Saint Peter, on receiving the Keys, is placed at the Head of the "Kingdom of Heaven" upon Earth, that is to say, the Church, and he reigns in the name of Christ, Who has invested him with His Power and Supreme Authority (Gospel).

 The names of Saint Peter and Saint Paul head the names of the Apostles in the Canon of the Mass (First List).

With "the Church, which did not cease Praying to God for Saint Peter" (Epistle), let us Pray for his successor "the servant of God, our Holy Father the Pope" (Canon of the Mass).

Every Parish Priest celebrates Mass for the people of his Parish.

Saturday 28 June 2014

The Vigil Of The Feast Of SS. Peter And Paul.

Text and Illustration taken from UNA VOCE OF ORANGE COUNTY
which states that all Text and Illustrations are taken from the Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
1952 Edition, with the kind permission of St. Bonaventure Press.

The Vigil Of The Feast Of Saint Peter And Saint Paul.
28 June.

Violet Vestments.

Saint Peter and Saint Paul.

The Church celebrates, tomorrow, the Feast of the two Apostles who are the two foundations on which she is solidly established (Collect).

"The rigour to which a people subjects itself by certain days of preparation," writes Dom Guéranger (The Liturgical Year), "is a mark of the Faith which it has preserved, showing that it understands the greatness of the object proposed by the Holy Liturgy for its worship." [The Liturgical Year: Vigil of The Holy Apostles.]

Peter raised to his Cross (Introit, Gospel), like Christ rises above the world. He seals in his blood his confession of Faith (Gospel of tomorrow) and love (Gospel) in Jesus, and, henceforth, it will be in His name (Ibid.) and as His Vicar that he will be King of Souls.

Paul, by sharing his labours and Martyrdom, shares his Kingship and his Triumph.

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