Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.
Saint John of Matha.
Feast Day 8 February.
White Vestments.
Saint John of Matha Celebrating Mass.
Saint John of Matha was born in Provence, France, and, from his earliest childhood, distinguished himself by his Charity to The Poor.
Ordained Priest in Paris, he, at his First Mass, had a Vision in which God commanded him to establish The Order of The Holy Trinity for the ransoming of captives (Collect).
He therefore retired into solitude and, during three years, lived in Prayer and Contemplation with Saint Felix of Valois (Introit). A second Vision determined them to approach Pope Innocent III, who gave his approbation to the new institution commanded by God.

English: Flag of The Trinitarian Order (Order of The Holy Trinity) of Roman Catholic Monks.
Polski: Herb Zakonu Trójcy Przenajświętszej (Trynitarze).
Date: 22 July 2006.
Source: Own work.
Author: Szczepan1990.
(Wikimedia Commons)
Thanks to the abundant Alms (Epistle), which Saint John of Matha obtained from the Kings and Princes of France and Spain, he was enabled to ransom a large number of Christians, fallen into the hands of Infidels.
He passed his last two years in Rome in continual Mortification and Prayer, and was, thus, the Faithful Servant who watched for the coming of his Master at every hour of his life (Gospel).
He died in 1213.
Mass: Os justi. Of a Confessor, not a Bishop.
In Lent: Commemoration and Last Gospel of The Feria.
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