Friday 24 February 2012

Lenten Station At St. George's

Taken from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal for Thursday after Ash Wednesday.

                                                                    San Giorgio, Rome

This Station is, since the time of Gregory II (Seventh Century), at St. George's in Velabro. This Church is in the district called the Velabrum or Velum aureum, on account of a relic kept in a golden veil.. St. George's is one of the twenty-five parishes of Rome in the Fifth Century, where, under the High Altar, is kept the head of this Christian warrior, a victim of the Persecution of the Emperor Diocletian, and called by the Greeks "the great Martyr".

The Liturgy of today inculcates in us the spirit of prayer, which forms part of the Forty Days' penance. It was by prayer that Ezechias obtained a prolongation of his life (Epistle of today) and the Centurion, the healing of his servant (Gospel), and it is by prayer that we shall obtain from God the strength to mortify ourselves in order that we may gain the pardon of our sins, and with it the healing of our Souls and life eternal.

The Gospel in former times reminded the Catechumens that, through Baptism, they were about to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

Remember that, if sin offends God and draws upon us the scourge of His righteous anger, penance, on the contrary, appeases Him and procures for us the effects of His mercy (Collects).

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