Thursday 26 July 2012

The Fourteen Auxiliary Saints.

Text is taken from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal.
Illustrations are taken from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia.

Saint Christopher, 
one of the Fourteen Auxiliary Saints, 
(Feast Day 25 July)
Saint Christopher Carrying the Christ Child, 
by Hieronymus Bosch (c. 1485)

The name of "Auxiliary Saints" is given to a group of fourteen Saints particularly noted for the efficacy of their intercession. They were often represented together.

Saint George
Feast Day 23 April
Is to be recognised in statuary and pictures by the dragon he strikes down. He is invoked against herpetic diseases. He is, with Saint Sebastian and Saint Maurice, the Patron Saint of soldiers.

Saint Blaise
Feast Day 3 February
Is to be recognised in statuary and pictures by his two candles, crossed. He is invoked against diseases of the throat.

Saint Erasmus
Feast Day 2 June
Is to be recognised in statuary and pictures by entrails wound around a windlass. He is invoked against diseases of the stomach. He is the Patron Saint of mariners and seamen.

Saint Pantaleon
Feast Day 27 July
Is to be recognised in statuary and pictures by his nailed hands. Invoked against consumption. He is, with Saint Luke and Saints Cosmas and Damian, the Patron Saint of medical men.

Detail of Saint Giles and the Hind,
by the Master of Saint Giles, circa 1500 A.D.

Saint Vitus (or Guy)
Feast Day 15 June
Is to be recognised in statuary and pictures by his cross. Invoked against chorea (Saint Vitus's Dance), lethargy and the bite of venomous or mad beasts.

Saint Christopher
Feast Day 25 July
Is to be recognised in statuary and pictures by the Infant Jesus he bears. He is invoked in storms, tempests, plagues,, and for the avoidance of accidents in travelling. Also, in the Blessing of motor cars.

Saint Denis
Feast Day 9 October
Is to be recognised in statuary and pictures by his head, which he holds in his hands. Invoked for people possessed of devils.

Saint Cyriacus
Feast Day 8 August
Is to be recognised in statuary and pictures by his Deacon's Vestments. Invoked against diseases of the eye and diabolical possession.

Saint Acathius
Feast Day 8 May
Is to be recognised in statuary and pictures by his crown of thorns. Invoked against headaches.

Saint Eustace
Feast Day 20 September
Is to be recognised in statuary and pictures by his stag and hunting equipment. Invoked for preservation from fire (eternal or temporal).

Saint Barbara shrines in German mines.
Schacht Konrad mine (left) 
and Schacht Asse II mine (right).

Saint Giles
Feast Day 1 September
Is to be recognised in statuary and pictures by his Benedictine cowl and his hind. Invoked against panic, epilepsy, madness, nocturnal terrors.

Saint Margaret
Feast Day 20 July
Is to be recognised in statuary and pictures by the dragon she keeps in chains. Invoked against pains in the loins and by women about to become mothers.

Saint Barbara
Feast Day 4 December
Is to be recognised in statuary and pictures by her tower and the ciborium surmounted by a Sacred Host. Invoked against lightnings and sudden death. Patron Saint of miners and artillery soldiers.

Saint Catharine
Feast Day 25 November
Is to be recognised in statuary and pictures by her broken wheel. "The wise Counsellor" is invoked by students, Christian philosophers, orators and barristers.

1 comment:

  1. My American friend lost her wedding ring ...our Italian friend told her to pray to Saint Anthony (Anthony of Padua, one assumes) being, amongst other things, the 'lost objects saint'.

    Guess he doesn't fit into this fourteen, I wonder why not?
