Sunday 26 August 2012

Happy Zephyrinus !!!

Happy Zephyrinus to all readers of this Blog.

Today is the Feast of Saint Zephyrinus, Pope and Martyr.

Text taken from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal.
Illustrations taken from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia,
unless otherwise stated.

26 August. Feast of Saint Zephyrinus, Pope and Martyr.
Red Vestments.

Pope Saint Zephyrinus
(199 A.D. - 217 A. D.)

Pope Saint Zephyrinus succeeded Pope Saint Victor on the pontifical throne and, like him, was martyred (Gospel). He abolished the use of wooden chalices, in the celebration of the Holy Sacrifice, and ordered them to be replaced by glass chalices. He prescribed that all the Faithful should receive Holy Communion on Easter Day.

He had to defend the dogma of the Unity of God and the Trinity of Persons against the Sabellians. Besides this intestine strife, he had to suffer persecution. God always supported him in his trials, in order to enable him to support the flock of Christ (Epistle).

He died in 217 A.D., after a pontificate of seventeen years.