Monday 24 September 2012

"I want to be a courageous orthodox bishop"

This Article can be found on THE HERMENEUTIC OF CONTINUITY Blog, by Fr Finigan.

Bishop Egan of Portsmouth

In the booklet for the Mass at Portsmouth today, at which Philip Egan was consecrated eighth Bishop of Portsmouth, there is an introduction by Bishop Egan (a musically educated man himself) explaining, among other things, the choice of music for the Mass.

There were some "old favourite" Catholic hymns at appropriate points (O purest of creatures, Soul of my Saviour, Sweet Sacrament Divine) and some elements from "A Community Mass" by Richard Proulx, as well as Gregorian chant. It was good to see that after various motets, songs, organ pieces and the hymn Praise to the Holiest, which were sung before Mass, the introit Salve Sancta Parens was sung while the altar was incensed. Also from the (modern) gradual was the Alleluia and verse.

More on this Article can be found on THE HERMENEUTIC OF CONTINUITY Blog

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