Sunday 11 November 2012

11 November - Remembrance Day

Dies Irae (Mass For The Dead, Sequence, Male Voices).
Gregorian Chant notation from the Liber Usualis (1961), page 1810.
Latin lyrics sung by the Alfred Dellor Consort.

Thank you


  1. I spent that Sunday at Melbourne, North Yorkshire. Here is the site of the 10 Squadron Memorial,and the old wartime airfield. The Squadron sent a group and the Colour Party. For the rest: we were ex Squadron members with ages from 92 to the great/great granddaughter (aged 2)of a war time pilot. Very moving.

  2. How lovely, John.

    Perfectly summed up by the great, great grand-daughter (aged 2) coming to pay her respects, together with the 92-year-old doing likewise.

    We shall remember them.
