Saturday 17 November 2012

Sebastián de Vivanco's "O Rex Gloriae". The Romanesque Old Cathedral of Salamanca, Spain.

This Article, on Sebastian de Vivanco, can be found on the Atrium Musicologicum Blog
Illustrations and Captions from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia,
unless otherwise stated.

File:Cathedral of Salamanca Romanesque.jpg

"Torre del Gallo" of the Romanesque Old Cathedral of Salamanca, Spain.
Photo: 15 October 2006.
Source: Flickr.
Author: chicadelatele.
Reviewer: FlickreviewR.
(Wikimedia Commons)

File:Interiores de la Catedral Vieja de Salamanca 05.jpg

The Nave, Salamanca Old Cathedral, Spain.
 Photo: 18 May 2012.
Source: Own work.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Sebastian de Vivanco's "O Rex Gloriae".
Available on YouTube at

File:Retablo Catedral Vieja Salamanca.JPG

English: The Apse, Old Cathedral of Salamanca, Spain.
Espanol: Retablo Catedral Vieja Salamanca.
Photo: 19 August 2012.
Source: Own work.
Author: Conde negro.
(Wikimedia Commons)

File:Cat vieja y nueva salamanca.jpg

English: The Old Cathedral of Salamanca, Spain.
Espanol: Torres de las dos catedrales de Salamanca. 
En primer plano, la Catedral Vieja.
Photo: 21 March 2007.
Author: rahego.
(Wikimedia Commons)

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