Friday 14 December 2012

The Mystery of Advent (Part Four)

Italic text is taken from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal.

The Saint Andrew Daily Missal is obtainable from Carmel Books, Blackford House, Andover Road, Highclere, Newbury, Berkshire, England RG20 9PF. Tel: (01635 255340).

Illustrations are taken from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia,
unless otherwise stated.

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Church of Our Lady of Guadalupe “at St. Bernard.”, 328 West 14th Street, New York.
Taken from the Blog of The Society of St. Hugh of Cluny at

In this way, the Church makes pass before our eyes the magnificent procession which, all down the ages, goes before Jesus Christ. There we see Jacob, Judah, Moses, David, Micheas, Jeremias, Ezechiel, Daniel, Joel, Zacharias, Habacuc, Osea, Aggeus, Malachias, and, above all, Isaias, Saint John The Baptist [with whom three out of the four Advent Gospels are concerned], Saint Joseph, and the glorious Virgin Mary, who sums up in herself all Messianic hopes, seeing that their fulfilment hung on her Fiat. "Be it done unto me according to Thy word. All these holy Souls yearned for the Redeemer, and in their fervent longing they besought Him to hasten the day when He would come.

As we follow the Masses and Office of Advent, we are impressed by these urgent and pressing appeals to the Messias:

"Come, Lord, nor tarry longer [Gradual for the Fourth Sunday]". 
"The Lord is nigh, come, let us adore Him." 
"Come, Lord, and save us." 
"The King who is to come; O come, let us adore Him." 
"Show forth Thy power, O Lord, and come [Collect for the Fourth Sunday]." 

English: Stained glass, St John the Baptist's Anglican Church
Ashfield, New South Wales, Australia. 
Illustrates Jesus' description of Himself: "I am the Good Shepherd
(from the Gospel of John, Chapter 10, Verse 11). 
[This version of the image shows a vertical section focusing on Jesus.]
The memorial window is also captioned: 
"To the Glory of God and in Loving Memory of William Wright. 
Died 6th November, 1932. Aged 70."
Français : Vitrail de l'église anglicane Saint Jean Baptiste d'Ashfield (site de l'église), 
en Nouvelle Galles du Sud (Australie). 
Le vitrail illustre la description de Jésus par lui même dans le livre de Jean (chapitre 10, verset 11). On lit aussi sur ce vitrail: (« Dédié à la gloire de Dieu, et à la mémoire de William Wright, 
mort le 6 Novembre 1932 à l'âge de 70 ans »).
Author: Stained glass: Alfred Handel, d. 1946[2], Photo:Toby Hudson.
(Wikimedia Commons)

[All the following are from the Greater Antiphons] [the Great O Antiphons]

"O Wisdom, come and teach us the way of Prudence." 
"O God, guide of the House of Israel, come, stretch forth Thy hand and redeem us."
"O Root of Jesse; come to deliver us and tarry not."
"O key of David and sceptre of the House of Israel, come and release the captive plunged in darkness and the shadow of death."
"Morning Star; brightness of Eternal Light, come and enlighten those who are plunged in darkness and the shadow of death."
"O King and Desire of nations, come and save man whom Thou hast made from the slime of the Earth."
"O Emmanuel [God with us], Our King and our Lawgiver, O Lord, Our God."

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Our Lady of Coromoto, 
(Spanish: Nuestra Señora de Coromoto,)
Patroness of Venezuela.
Church of Our Lady of Guadalupe “at St. Bernard.”, 328 West 14th Street, New York.
Taken from the Blog of The Society of St. Hugh of Cluny at

The longed-for Messias is the Son of God, Himself, the Great Royal Deliverer, who is to conquer Satan and reign over His people for ever, whom all nations shall serve. The very reason why we should utter "Come", crying to Our Lord, "O, Thou corner stone, uniting in Thyself the two peoples, come," is that the Divine Mercy extends, not only to Israel, but to all the Gentiles as well.

"And when He comes, we shall all be guided together by this Divine Shepherd." "He shall feed His flock," says Isaias, ". . . He shall gather together the lambs with his arm, and shall take them up in his bosom." He, even our Lord God.


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