Sunday 10 February 2013

Basilica of The Twelve Apostles, Rome. (Part One)

Italic Text, Illustrations and Captions, are taken from Wikipedia, the free encyclopaedia,
unless otherwise stated.

The Lenten Station is held at the Basilica of The Twelve Apostles on Friday of Ember Week in Lent.

File:Basilique des Saints-Apôtres.JPG

Français : Basilique des Saints-Apotres à Rome.
English: Basilica of The Twelve Apostles, Rome.
Photo: August 2010.
Source: Own work.
Author: LPLT.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The Church of the Twelve Holy Apostles (Italian: Santi XII Apostoli, Latin: SS. XII Apostolorum) is a 6th-Century Roman Catholic Parish and Titular Church and Minor Basilica in Rome, Italy, dedicated originally to Saint James and Saint Philip and, later, to all Apostles. Today, the Basilica is under the care of the Conventual Franciscans, whose headquarters in Rome are in the adjacent building.

The Cardinal Priest of the Titulus XII Apostolorum is Angelo Scola. Among the previous Cardinal Priests are Pope Clement XIV, whose tomb by Canova is in the Basilica, and Henry Benedict Stuart.

Built by Pope Pelagius I to celebrate a Narses victory over the Ostrogoths, and dedicated by Pope John III to Saint John the Apostle and Saint Philip the Apostle, the Basilica is listed as 'Titulus SS Apostolorum' in the Acts of the Synod of 499 A.D. Santi Apostoli was ruined by the earthquake of 1348, and left abandoned.

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English: View of the Church from the Vittoriano
Italian: Santi Apostoli, Roma, dal Vittoriano.
Photo: December 2008.
Source: Own work.
Author: Pippo-b
(Wikimedia Commons)

In 1417, Pope Martin V, whose Colonna family owned the adjacent Palazzo Colonna, restored the Church, while the facade was built at the end of the same century by Baccio Pontelli. It was frescoed by Melozzo da Forlì, whose wall-paintings at Santi Apostoli were renowned for their innovative techniques of foreshortening and came to be regarded as Melozzo's masterpiece.

Pope Clement XI instigated dramatic renovations of the Church. Melozzo's frescoes were either destroyed or moved partly to the Quirinal and partly to the Vatican Museums. A new Baroque interior was designed by Carlo Fontana and Francesco Fontana, and was completed in 1714. The Church was later restored again, with the facade completed by Giuseppe Valadier in 1827.

This Church has three Naves, divided by a row of Corinthian Pillars, supporting the Ceiling, on the middle of which was painted, in 1707, the Triumph of the Order of Saint Francis, by Baciccio. There are also frescoes of the Evangelists by Luigi Fontana. The use of perspective is very good, and the Angels appear to come out of the Vault. Above the Sanctuary is a fresco from 1709 by Giovanni Odazzi, representing the "Fall of Lucifer and his Angels".

File:Baciccio - Apotheosis of the Franciscan Order - WGA01109.jpg

Artist: Giovanni Battista Gaulli (8 May 1639 – 2 April 1709), also known as Baciccio.
Title: Apotheosis of the Franciscan Order.
Date: 1707.
Current location: Basilica Santi XII Apostoli, Rome
(Wikimedia Commons)

To the right of the High Altar are the tombs of Count Giraud de Caprières (died 1505) and Cardinal Raffaele Riario (died 1474), tentatively attributed to Michelangelo. To the left, is a monument to Cardinal Riario, by the School of Andrea Bregno and possible designed by Andrea Bregno, himself. There is also a Madonna by Mino da Fiesole.

On the wall, to the right of the Portico of the ancient Church, is an antique bas-relief of an eagle, surrounded by an oak crown, that it holds in its talons. Opposite, is the monument of the engraver, Giovanni Volpato, executed and erected by his friend and countryman, Antonio Canova. It consists of a large bas-relief, representing "Friendship", in the form of a woman weeping before the bust of the deceased Volpato.

On a Pier of the Nave, on the right-hand side, near the first Chapel, is enshrined the heart of Maria Klementyna Sobieska, wife of the Old Pretender, James Francis Edward Stuart. Her tomb is in Saint Peter's Basilica. Her monument is by Filippo della Valle. Her husband used to pray here every morning. James III was Laid In State here in 1766, before he was buried with his wife at Saint Peter's.

File:Trevi - santi apostoli interno 1000273.JPG

Basilica Santi XII Apostoli, Rome.
Photo: 10/12/2006.
Source: Own work.
Author: Lalupa
(Wikimedia Commons)


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