Sunday 21 April 2013

The Four Marian Anthems.

Text is taken from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal.
Illustrations and Captions are taken from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia,
unless otherwise stated.

File:SASSOFERRATO - Virgen rezando (National Gallery, Londres, 1640-50).jpg

English: The Virgin In Prayer.
EspaƱol: Virgen rezando.
Date: 1640 - 1650.
Current location: National Gallery, London.
This File: 29 January 2013.
User: Slick-o-bot.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The four Marian Anthems, used during the Liturgical Year, are:

Alma Redemptorist Mater (sung from First Vespers in Advent until Second Vespers of 2 February, inclusive);

Ave Regina (sung from Compline on 2 February until Maundy Thursday, exclusive);

Regina Caeli (sung from Compline on Holy Saturday until Trinity Sunday, exclusive).

Salve Regina (sung from First Vespers of Trinity Sunday until Advent).

Saint Peter and Saint Paul Church, Reichenau Island, Lake Constance, South Germany.
Hermann Contractus was a monk in this Abbey and is accredited 
with creating the Marian Anthems of Alma Redemptoris and Ave Regina.
Photo taken by en:User:Ahoerstemeier (November 2001).
(Wikimedia Commons)

There are four main Marian Anthems (you will note that they are in alphabetical order and are used, thus, during the Liturgical Year).

Alma Redemptoris
(From First Vespers of Advent until Second Vespers of 2 February, inclusive.)
The authorship of this Anthem is attributed to Hermann Contractus, a monk of the Abbey of Reichenau (+1054);

and also listen to the ALMA REDEMPTORIS, here.

Ave Regina
(From Compline on 2 February until Maundy Thursday, inclusive.)
The authorship of this Anthem is attributed to Hermann Contractus, a monk of the Abbey of Reichenau (+1054).
The insertion of this Anthem in the Divine Office is attributed to Pope Clement VI (1342 - 1352);

Regina Caeli
(From Compline on Holy Saturday until Trinity Sunday, inclusive.)
The authorship of this Anthem is attributed to Pope Gregory V (+998 A.D.);

Salve Regina
(From First Vespers of Trinity Sunday until Advent.)
This Marian Anthem is attributed to Adhemar de Monteil, Bishop of Le Puy, France, (+1098). The three final invocations were added by Saint Bernard of Clairvaux (1091 - 1153).

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