Wednesday 29 May 2013

Usus Antiquior Mass At Notre-Dame De Paris. Wednesday, 29 May 2013.

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Traditional Mass at Notre-Dame de Paris, 29 May, 2013.
Published on 29 May, 2013 by Henri de Villiers.


Notre Dame de Paris: Western Façade.
Photo: April 2007.
Source: The English Wikipedia 
Author: Thschutt.
(Wikimedia Commons)

This Wednesday, 29 May, 2013, the parish of Saint-Eugène - Sainte-Cécile goes on a pilgrimage to Notre Dame de Paris on the occasion of the 850th anniversary of the building of the present Cathedral.

Starting pilgrimage from Saint Eugene at 1900 hrs.

Entering the Cathedral from the North Portal (Rue du Cloitre Notre Dame, left when you look at the Cathedral side).

At 2015 hrs, Solemn Mass at the High Altar of the Pieta by the Parish Priest of Saint Eugene.

As part of the Year of Faith, and the occasion of the 850th anniversary of the construction of the present Cathedral, you can gain, as part of the pilgrimage, a Plenary Indulgence for the Living or the Dead.

Two days before the Feast of the Dedication of Our Lady of Paris, in the Traditional Calendar (31 May), the Mass will be a Votive Mass of the Dedication of a Church, with a Commemoration of Saint Mary Magdalen de Pazzi.


Gregorian Chant: Votive Mass of Dedication. Kyriales: Mass VIII - De Angelis.

Entrance procession: Dominus regnavit ("The Lord reigns". Incipit of Psalm 92) by Jean-Joseph Cassanéa Mondonville (1711 † 1772), Master of the Royal Chapel of Versailles.

Prose dedication: Jerusalem & Zion filiae. Prose Adam of Saint Victor (circa 1112 † circa 1192.), Precentor of the Cathedral of Paris. Plainsong reconstructed in the 18th-Century by the Abbot of Haudimont, Choirmaster of the Cathedral of Chalons-sur-Saone and Notre-Dame de Paris and Saint-Germain L'Auxerrois (before 1790).

During the Offertory incense: Angeli, Archangeli: Grand Motet "All Saints", John Veillot († 1662), Choirmaster and Canon of Notre-Dame de Paris, King Louis XIV and Benedictine Montmartre.

Benedictus polyphonic - alternating Canon - Nicolas Couturier Mamas (1840 † 1911), Choirmaster of the Cathedral of Langres.

After the Consecration: "O salutaris" the Liturgical recitative Tone of the Preface - Henri de Villiers.

During Communion: Tantum ergo "Vigilantium" - Anthem of the Blessed Sacrament - Text of Saint  Thomas Aquinas - adaptation & harmonisation Henri de Villiers - versified translation of the 18th-Century.

Ite missa est: Mass VIII.

After the Last Gospel: Salve Regina.

Procession exit station to the statue of Our Lady of Paris. In accordance with ancient custom of the Cathedral, the Clergy go in procession to the statue of Our Lady of Paris singing the following Responses:

Sancta and Immaculata - responsories processional and invocation to Our Lady of Paris - Gregorian chant and drone by Bishop Jehan Revert, Choirmaster of Notre-Dame de Paris, 5 mixed voices arranged by Olivier Schneebeli.

Upon arrival at the statue of Our Lady, the acclaimed Royal Magnificat - chant attributed to King Louis XIII, traditional Paris drone since the 17th-Century (this is the song of the Magnificat that Paul Claudel received before the statue of Our Lady, and converted to the Second Vespers of Christmas, 25 December, 1886).

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