Sunday 23 June 2013

Homecoming Present For Parish Priest Of Our Lady Of The Rosary, Blackfen, Kent, England.

The Senior MC, Junior MCs, Servers, Sacristan, Director of Music, Parish Choirs, Parishioners and everybody else in the Parish of Our Lady Of The Rosary, Blackfen, Kent, England, are extremely pleased and proud that their Parish Priest, Rev. Fr. Timothy Finigan, has been received so warmly in Melbourne, Australia.

All the above have followed Fr. Finigan's Lectures to the ACCC in Melbourne, Australia, with great interest, and wondered whether he might have a residue of regret at having to leave such wonderful Catholic folk in Australia in the near future.

Therefore, to soften the blow, a whip-round was enforced by the Senior MC and a suitable consoling present was purchased for the Rev. Fr, upon his eventual return.

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