Tuesday 16 July 2013

Tu Es Sacerdos In Aeternum. Thou Art A Priest Forever. Psalm 109 (Douay-Rheims Bible).

Taken from the Post-Ignes (Summer, 2013) Edition of "Via Sacra", the Newsletter for the Friends and Benefactors of The Canons Regular of Saint John Cantius, and from the Saint John Cantius home web-site at http://www.canons-regular.org/

The newly restored Saint John Cantius Church, 
filled with parishioners, friends, and family 
for the Mass of Ordination (Photo by Tom Steiner)

The Mass of Ordination was offered on Friday, May 31, 2013 at 7:30pm, at St. John Cantius Church. Hundreds of parishioners, friends, and family joined Cardinal George for this wonderful occasion. Several visiting clergy were in attendance, including the Most Rev. Joseph N. Perry, Auxiliary Bishop of Chicago and the Very Rev. Douglas Mosey, Rector of Holy Apostles Seminary in Cromwell, CT, Rev. Gregoire Fluet, professor at Holy Apostles Seminary, and Rev. Regis N. Barwig, prior of the Community of Our Lady in Oshkosh, WI.

"Come to Mass".
A Simple and Clear Introduction 
to the Traditional Latin Mass.
By Fr. Francis.
32 pages with drawings on almost every page.
Available from the Saint John Cantius Web-Store at

Saint John Cantius stands as a unique Church in the Archdiocese of Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A. — offering the Liturgy of the Roman Rite in both the Ordinary and Extraordinary Forms, daily. Its Solemn Liturgies and Devotions, treasures of Sacred Art, and rich program of Sacred Liturgical Music have helped many Catholics discover a profound sense of the Sacred.

The historic Baroque Church is one of the best examples of Sacred architecture in the city. One mile directly West of the famous Water Tower on Chicago Avenue, the landmark Church is easily accessible by car, bus, or subway. Click here to read more » or Watch a video about our church »


  1. God bless the Canons of St John Cantius. When I lived in Connecticut I would see a few of them at the Latin Mass community where I worshiped. The seminary the Canons use, Holy Apostles, is nearby in Cromwell, CT. They should be a fine group of young servants to our Lord Jesus Christ.

  2. Thank you, The Rad Trad, as always.

    The Canons of St. John Cantius are a magnificent Catholic Order and a wonderful Blessing for the good folk of Chicago.

    It pleases me greatly to be able to visit their web-site at http://www.canons-regular.org/ and make the occasional purchase.

    To know that my small pocket money helps to maintain the Divine Work of their Order and helps to maintain their beautifully-restored Church, is extremely fulfilling and I urge all Catholics, world-wide, to consider doing something similar, if at all possible.

    But the greatest contribution, of course, would be to put the Canons Of St. John Cantius on ones Daily Prayer List. That should work wonders.

    Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam.
