Friday 16 August 2013

Missa Vidi Speciosam. Tomás Luis De Victoria (1548-1611).

This beautiful setting of Missa Vidi Speciosam (see, below), by Tomás Luis de Victoria (1548-1611), is currently featured on 

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File:Tomás Luis de Victoria.jpg

(Wikimedia Commons)

Tomás Luis de Victoria, sometimes "Italianised" as "da Vittoria" (circa 1548 – 1611), was the most famous composer of the 16th-Century in Spain, and one of the most important composers of the Counter-Reformation, along with Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina and Orlando di Lasso.

Victoria was not only a composer, but also an accomplished organist and singer as well as a Catholic Priest. However, he preferred the life of a composer to that of a performer. He is sometimes known as the "Spanish Palestrina", because he may have been taught by Palestrina.

Missa Vidi Speciosam
Tomás Luis de Victoria 
Available on YouTube at

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