Thursday 31 October 2013

Gaudete, Gaudete, Christus Est Natus, Ex Maria Virgine, Gaudete.


File:La Vierge au lys.jpg

The Virgin of the Lilies (La Vierge au lys).
Artist: William-Adolphe Bouguereau (1825 - 1905).
Date: 1899.
Author: William-Adolphe Bouguereau (1825 - 1905).
(Wikimedia Commons)

Fr Finigan has an excellent Post on his Blog, THE HERMENEUTIC OF CONTINUITY, on today's release by the Band, Erasure, of the track entitled "GAUDETE".

Having listened to the track, on Fr Finigan's Blog, Zephyrinus tends to prefer the original recording, by Steeleye Span, which included, of course, the incomparable voice of Maddy Prior.

Why not compare the two recordings, yourself, and make your own mind up ?

Listen to Maddy Prior, and Steeleye Span, here, and then pop over to THE HERMENEUTIC OF CONTINUITY and compare.

Steeleye Span, and Maddy Prior,
sing "Gaudete".
Available on YouTube