Monday 25 November 2013

Francisco Guerrero (1528-1599). Spanish Renaissance Composer. Motet For Six Voices From Missa Maria Magdalene.

Text and Illustrations from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia,
unless otherwise stated.

File:Francisco Guerrero.jpg

English: Francisco Guerrero (1528-1599).
Español: Retrato tomado de Francisco Pacheco, (1564-1644) 
El libro de descripción de verdaderos retratos, ilustres y memorables 
varones, [Sevilla, s.n., s.a.]- Real Academia de la Historia (Madrid). 
Signatura: 1/736. Date: 1599.
Author: Francisco Pacheco (1564–1644).
(Wikimedia Commons)

Francisco Guerrero's 
Motet for Six Voices from
"Missa Maria Magdalene"
by The Tallis Scholars.
Available on YouTube at

Francisco Guerrero (1528 – 1599) was a Spanish composer of the Renaissance. He was born, and died in, Seville, Spain.

Guerrero's early musical education was with his older brother, Pedro. He must have been an astonishing prodigy, for at the age of seventeen he was already appointed maestro de capilla (singing master, i.e. music director) at Jaén Cathedral. A few years later he accepted a position in Seville, Spain. Apparently, during this time, he was much in demand as a singer and composer, establishing an exceptional reputation before his thirtieth birthday; in addition, he published several collections of his music abroad, an unusual event for a young composer.

File:Jaén Cathedral.png

English: A view of the Cathedral of the Assumption (Jaén Cathedral) 
taken from Saint Catalina's Castle.
Español: Una vista del Catedral de la Asunción de Jaén, 
tomada del Castillo de Santa Catalina.
Photo: 17 October 2008.
Source: Own work.
Author: Wjmclain.
(Wikimedia Commons)

After several decades of working and travelling throughout Spain and Portugal, sometimes in the employ of Emperor Maximilian II, he went to Italy for a year (1581–1582), where he published two books of his music. After returning to Spain for several years, he decided to travel to the Holy Land, which he finally was able to do in 1589. His adventure included visits to Damascus, Bethlehem, and Jerusalem; on the return trip his ship was twice attacked by pirates, who threatened his life, stole his money, and held him for ransom. His ransom must have been paid, for he was able to return to Spain; unfortunately he had no money, and endured a series of misfortunes including some time spent in debtor's prison; at last his old employer at Seville Cathedral extricated him, and he resumed working for them. 

His book on his adventurous visit to the Holy Land was published in 1590 and was a popular success (it is reasonable to suppose that Cervantes knew it). At the end of the decade, he planned one more trip to the Holy Land but unfortunately he died in the plague of 1599 in Seville, before he was able to depart.

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