Friday 6 December 2013

Veni, Veni, Emmanuel.

The impetus for Veni, Veni, Emmanuel, in this Article, can be found on

File:Raphael - Madonna dell Granduca.jpg

Title: Granduca Madonna.
Artist: Raphael (1483–1520).
Date: 1505.
Current location: Palazzo Pitti, Florence, Italy.
Source/Photographer: [1].
(Wikimedia Commons)

Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia.

O Come, O Come, Emmanuel, is the Mid-19th-Century translation, by John Mason Neale and Henry Sloane Coffin, of the Ecclesiastical Latin text, "Veni, Veni, Emmanuel". It is a metrical version of the O Antiphons from the final week of Advent Vespers, which now serves as a popular Hymn

Its origins are unclear: It is thought that the Antiphons are from at least the 8th-Century, but "Veni, Veni, Emmanuel" may well be 12th-Century in origin. The Text is based on the Biblical Prophecy from Isaiah 7:14 that states that God will give Israel a sign that will be called Immanuel (Lit.:God with us). Matthew 1:23 states fulfillment of this Prophecy in the Birth of Jesus of Nazareth.

Ensemble Vocal Fribourg.
Veni, Veni, Emmanuel, is a synthesis of the great "O Antiphons"
that are used for Vespers during the Octave before Christmas (17-23 December).
These Antiphons are of ancient origin and date back to at least the 9th-Century.
Available on YouTube at

Veni veni, Emmanuel
captivum solve Israel,
qui gemit in exsilio,
privatus Dei Filio.

Gaude! Gaude! Emmanuel,
nascetur pro te Israel!

Veni, O Iesse virgula,
ex hostis tuos ungula,
de specu tuos tartari
educ et antro barathri. 

Gaude! Gaude! Emmanuel,
nascetur pro te Israel!

Veni, Veni O Oriens,
solare nos adveniens,
noctis depelle nebulas,
dirasque mortis tenebras. 

Gaude! Gaude! Emmanuel,
nascetur pro te Israel!

Veni, Clavis Davidica,
regna reclude caelica,
fac iter tutum superum,
et claude vias inferum. 

Gaude! Gaude! Emmanuel,
nascetur pro te Israel!

Veni, Veni, Adonai,
qui populo in Sinai
legem dedisti vertice
in maiestate gloriae. 

Gaude! Gaude! Emmanuel,
nascetur pro te Israel!

Veni, O Sapientia,
quae hic disponis omnia,
veni, viam prudentiae
ut doceas et gloriae.

Gaude! Gaude! Emmanuel,
nascetur pro te Israel!

Veni, Veni, Rex Gentium,
veni, Redemptor omnium,
ut salvas tuos famulos
peccati sibi conscios. 

Gaude! Gaude! Emmanuel,
nascetur pro te Israel!


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