Friday 21 March 2014

Introibo Ad Altare Dei. I Will Go In Unto The Altar Of God. Antiphon To Psalm 42. Prayers At The Foot Of The Altar.

Prayers at the foot of the Altar
in the Usus Antiquior Mass.
Čeština: Tridentská mše v Benátkách (Itálie).
English: Tridentine Mass in Venezia (Italia).
Esperanto: Tridentina meso en Venecio (Italujo).
Latina: Missa tridentina Venetiis (Italia).
Date: 2007.
by the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter,
available from
(Wikipedia Commons)

Introibo ad altare Dei.
The Prayers at the foot of the Altar.
Available on YouTube at

Elevation of the Chalice,
after the Consecration,
during a Solemn High Mass,
(Usus Antiquior Mass).
Čeština: Tridentská mše – pozdvihování.
English: Tridentine mass—elevation.
Esperanto: Tridentina meso – hostilevado.
Latina: Missa tridentina – elevatio.
Polski: Msza trydencka - podniesienie.
Date: 2008.
by the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter,
available from
(Wikipedia Commons)

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