Friday 14 March 2014

Pro Missa Tridentina. Association Of Catholic Laity Of The German-Speaking Countries.

The following is taken from the Web-Site of Pro Missa Tridentina, the Association of Catholic Laity of German-Speaking Countries, at PRO MISSA TRIDENTINA

Zephyrinus heartily recommends Readers to visit their Web-Site and read how the Usus Antiquior Mass is undergoing a resurgence in German-Speaking Countries, particularly amongst the young, often against opposition from many quarters.

Jesus and his disciples

Pro Missa Tridentina is an
Association of Catholic Laity
of the German-Speaking Countries.

The aim of the Lay Association
is the daily Celebration of the Liturgy
in the Traditional Rite.


Aachen Cathedral.

Details about the forthcoming Aachen Pilgrimage,
on 28 June 2014, can be seen on the Web-Site at

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia.

The Aachen Pilgrimage is attested from 1238, a Pilgrimage, during which the Relics of the Cathedral can be seen by Believers. These Relics are kept in the Marienschrein (1220-1239), in the front part of the Choir of the Cathedral.

Since 1349, these Relics have been displayed once every seven years. The last Aachen Pilgrimage was in 2007 and had the motto, "Kommt, und ihr werdet sehen" (Come and you will see) (John 1.39).

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