Tuesday 4 March 2014

Psalm 1. Beatus Vir.

[This first Paragraph from Wikipedia, the free encyclopaedia.] The word "Psalms" is derived from the Greek, Ψαλμοί (Psalmoi), perhaps originally meaning "music of the lyre" or "songs sung to a harp," and, later, any piece of music. From "psallein" "play upon a stringed instrument" and, then, to "make music in any fashion".

File:Psałterz florianski1.jpg

"Beatus Vir".

English: A leaf from the "Florian's Psalter".
Polski: Karta z "Psałterza floriańskiego".
Artist: Unknown (Wawel Castle scriptorium).
Date: Turn of the 14th-Century and 15th-Century.
Current location: National Library of Poland, Warsaw.
History: 1370s: commissioned by Queen Jadwiga of Poland.
1550s:Transferred to Bartłomiej Siess.
1637: Transferred to Sankt Florian Abbey in Austria.
1931: Transferred to Polish government (National Library in Warsaw).
1939: Transferred to Canada (evacuation).
1959: Transferred to National Library in Warsaw (revindication).
Notes: Written in Latin, Polish and German. Discovered in 1827 by Josef Chmel.
Source/Photographer: biblia.wiara.pl.
Permission: Copyright expired, PD-Art.
(Wikimedia Commons)

"Beatus Vir."
Psalm 1.
By Monteverdi.
Available on YouTube at

The following Latin text is taken from the "Liber Psalmorum cum Canticis Breviarii Romani" (1945).
The following English text is taken from "The Psalms and New Testament" (Douay-Rheims) (2007), published by Baronius Press.



The happiness of the Just and
the evil state of the wicked.

Beatus vir, qui non sequitur 
consilium impiorum,
Et viam peccatorum non ingreditur,
et in conventu protervorum non sedet;
Sed in lege Domini voluptas eius est,
et de lege eius meditatur die ac nocte.
Et est tamquam arbor
plantata iuxta rivos aquarum,
Quae fructum praebet tempore suo,
cuiusque folia non marcescunt,
et quaecumque facit, prospere procedunt.
Non sic impii, non sic;
sed tamquam palea, quam dissipat ventus,
Ideo non consistent impii in iudicio,
neque peccatores in concilio iustorum,
Quoniam Dominus curat viam iustorum,
et via impiorum peribit.

Blessed is the man who hath not walked in the counsel of the ungodly, 
nor stood in the way of sinners, nor sat in the chair of pestilence:
But his will is in the Law of the Lord,
and on His Law he shall mediate day and night.
And he shall be like a tree, 
which is planted near the running waters, 
which shall bring forth its fruit, in due season.
And his leaf shall not fall off: 
And all whatsoever he shall do shall prosper.
Not so the wicked, no so:
But like the dust, which the wind driveth from the face of the Earth.
Therefore the wicked shall not rise again in judgment:
Nor sinners in the counsel of the Just.
For the Lord knoweth the way of the Just:
And the way of the wicked shall perish.

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