Wednesday 26 March 2014

Streets Of London. Or Streets Of Brighton ?

Fr. Ray Blake, Parish Priest at Saint Mary Magdalen, Brighton, has now got an excellent new Parish Web-Site at ST. MARY MAGDALEN BRIGHTON

The Web-Site is full of information about Fr Blake's Parish activities and, in particular, Zephyrinus's attention was caught by the item, under PARISH LIFE, which details THE SOUP RUN. Do have a look at the Web-Site and see what I mean.

The SOUP RUN details the outstanding efforts undertaken by the Parish and many volunteers, over many years, to ensure that the homeless and destitute at least have a daily hot meal.

In this Penitential Season of Lent, Works of Charity underscore many aspects of Lenten Duties, so why not visit the Web-Site to read all about THE SOUP RUN and consider making a donation to Fr. Ray Blake's Parish Funds and/or consider adding ST. MARY MAGDALEN BRIGHTON to your Daily Prayer List.

The following YouTube song, STREETS OF LONDON, says it all, really. Do have a listen.

Streets of London,
by Ralph McTell.
Available on YouTube at

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