Thursday 10 April 2014

Nineteen Babies Saved From Abortion. Join The Good Counsel Network.

The following information was received from THE GOOD COUNSEL NETWORK


Sunday, 13 April 2014, 1900 hrs (7 p.m).

Dear Friend,

40-Days-For-Life, at Ealing, West London, finishes at midnight this Sunday. Many people have prayed and fasted, sacrificed hours to witness to life at the vigil and demonstrated God’s love to the local community. As a result, at least 19 mothers and babies have been saved from abortion.

·        Please join us in between now and midnight on Sunday – there are still many hours, day and night, that need to be covered by prayer volunteers.
·        Please pray the Holy Michael the Archangel prayer, one Our Father and three Hail Marys each day, that Ealing abortion ‘clinic’ will be closed down
·        Please join us for our CLOSING CELEBRATION at Ealing Abbey Parish Hall, 2, Marchwood Crescent, London W5 2DY, 7pm on Sunday 13th April, featuring a talk by Lila Rose – international pro-life figurehead and founder of Live Action.
·        Please join us for an hour of closing prayer lead by Fr Simon Heans (who has done night shifts at the vigil himself) 11pm – midnight on Sunday 13th April outside marie stopes Ealing, 87 Mattock Lane, W5 5BJ.
For more information please see , email or call Good Counsel on 02077231740. We look forward to seeing you there!

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