Saturday 28 June 2014

The Most Pure Heart Of The Blessed Virgin Mary. Feast Day: Saturday Within The Octave Of The Sacred Heart.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

The Most Pure Heart Of The Blessed Virgin Mary.
Feast Day: Saturday Within The Octave Of The Sacred Heart.

White Vestments.

The Virgin in Prayer.
Artist: Giovanni Battista Salvi da Sassoferrato (1609 – 1685).
Date: Between 1640 and 1650.
Current location: National Gallery, London.
Source/Photographer: Web Gallery of Art.
(Wikimedia Commons)

[Editor: How apt that, within the Octave of The Sacred Heart of Jesus, a Feast Day also Commemorates The Most Pure Heart Of The Blessed Virgin Mary, His Mother. Two Hearts, so close, they cannot be separated. Ever.]

These are the characteristics of the Heart of Our Blessed Lady, which we set forth from the Texts of the Mass:

1.      All her Holiness proceeds from her Heart (Introit);
2.      Her grief, when she lost the Child, Jesus, in the Temple (Gospel);
3.      Her Heart is filled with the Love of God (Epistle, Secret, Communion);
4.      Mary's Heart is Pure, therefore it is pleasing to God (Collect, Gradual);
5.      Her Heart is courageous (Offertory);
6.      Mary's intercession (Postcommunion).

[Editor: Note that this Feast Day is in addition to The Immaculate Heart Of The Blessed Virgin Mary, celebrated on 22 August.]

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