Friday 11 July 2014

Pope Saint Pius I. Martyr. Feast Day 11 July.

which states the Text is taken from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal
(unless otherwise stated) with the kind permission of St. Bonaventure Press.

Pope Saint Pius I.
Feast Day 11 July.


Red Vestments.

Pope Saint Pius I.
This File: 18 August 2012.
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The Cycle makes us honour, today, a Saint whom "God anointed with His Holy Oil" (Gradual) and whom He invested with the fulness of His Priesthood (Introit, Alleluia) by raising him to the Pontifical Throne after Saint Hyginus in 142 A.D., (others say in 167 A.D.).

He prescribed that the Feast of the Resurrection should only be kept on a Sunday, which, thenceforth, became the Chief of all Sundays.

Pope Saint Pius I established a Baptistry in the house which Saint Pudentiana and Saint Praxedes had placed at his disposal, and where their father, the Senator Pudens, had already received Saint Peter.

Saint Pius I transformed into a Titular Church the adjoining Baths of Novatus, where is held the Station on the Tuesday in the third week of Lent. On account of the stay of the First Sovereign Pontiff, he dedicated it under the Title of Pastor,

To fulfil his Office of Good Shepherd, he feared not to renounce his own life (Gospel), and endured many hardships, which hastened his end, for his Sheep and for Christ, the Supreme Pastor [Third Lesson at Matins]. 

He received, at the same time as the Crown of Martyrdom, the Crown of Life that God has promised to those who love Him (Epistle), and was buried in 150 A.D., on the Vatican.

Mass of a Martyr: Statuit.

The following Text is taken from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia.

Pope Saint Pius I (died circa 154 A.D.,) was the Bishop of Rome from circa 140 A.D., to his death circa 154 A.D., according to the Annuario Pontificio.

Pope Saint Pius I is believed to have been born at Aquileia, in Northern Italy, during the Late-1st-Century. His father was called "Rufinus", who was also said to be of Aquileia, according to the Liber Pontificalis.

It is stated in the 2nd-Century Muratorian Canon, as well as in the Liberian Catalogue, that he was the brother of Hermas, author of the text known as The Shepherd of Hermas. The writer of that text identifies himself as a former slave. This has led to speculation that both Hermas and Pius were freedmen.

Saint Pius I governed the Church in the middle of the 2nd-Century, during the reigns of the Emperors Antoninus Pius and Marcus Aurelius. He was the ninth successor of Saint Peter. He decreed that Easter should only be kept on a Sunday. Although being credited with ordering the publication of the Liber Pontificalis, compilation of that document was not started before the beginning of the 6th-Century. He is said to have built one of the oldest Churches in Rome, Santa Pudenziana.

Saint Pius I endured many hardships during his reign. The fact that Saint Justin taught Christian Doctrine in Rome, during the Pontificate of Saint Pius I, and that the Heretics Valentinus, Cerdon, and Marcion visited Rome at the same time, is an argument for the Primacy of the Roman See during the 2nd-Century. Pope Saint Pius I opposed the Valentinians and Gnostics, under Marcion, whom he excommunicated.

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