Wednesday 13 August 2014

Plenary Indulgences For Particular Days.

English: Plenary Indulgence inscription on the Left Transept
of the Basilica of Saint John Lateran, Rome, Italy.
"Indulgentia plenaria perpetua quotidiana toties quoties pro vivis et defunctis."
"Perpetual everyday plenary indulgence on every occasion for the living and the dead."
Français: Indulgence plénière. Incription sur le transept gauche
This File: 6 October 2007.
User: Jastrow.
Source: Own work.
Author: Marie-Lan Nguyen (user:Jastrow).
(Wikimedia Commons)

available on YouTube at

The Video, above, features Fr Thomas Morrow, whose Biography and Contact Details appear on CATHOLIC FAITH ALIVE!, Inc.

The following List of Plenary Indulgences for particular days was composed by Fr Finigan, Parish Priest at Our Lady of the Rosary, Blackfen, Kent, England.

The following is a non-exhaustive List of Plenary Indulgences, focussing on those Indulgences which Priests might promote in their Parishes, and those which the Faithful can easily obtain.

The numbers, alongside each occasion when a Plenary Indulgence may be gained, refer to The Enchiridion Indulgentiarum (Editio Quarta) 2004, which should be consulted for the definitive description of each work.

Particular Days.

1 January.
Join in the Solemn Singing or Recitation, in Church, of the Veni Creator.      26.1.1.

Unity Week.
Assist at some functions in the week and at the concluding function.      11.1.

Fridays in Lent.
After Holy Communion, say the En ego before a Crucifix.      8.1.2.

Maundy Thursday.
Join in the singing of the Tantum Ergo at the Reposition of The Blessed Sacrament.      7.1.2.

Good Friday.
Take part in the Solemn Liturgy.      13.1.
Take part in the Stations of the Cross.      13.2.
Follow the Pope's Stations on radio or television.      13.2.

Holy Saturday.
Renew your Baptismal Vows at the Easter Vigil.      28.1.

Join in the Solemn Singing or Recitation, in Church, of the Veni Creator.      26.1.1.

Sacred Heart.
Join in the Public Recitation of the Act of Reparation Iesu Dulcissime.      3.

Saint Peter and Saint Paul.
Devoutly use a pious object Blessed by the Pope or any Bishop, adding a legitimate profession of Faith
(e.g., the Creed).      14.1.

2 August.
Visit a Parish Church and say the Pater and Credo.      33.1.5.

1 November - 8 November.
Visit a Cemetery and Pray for the Dead.      29.1.1.

All Souls.
Visit a Church and say the Pater and Credo.      29.1.2.

Christ The King.
Join in the Public Recitation of the Act of Dedication Iesu Dulcissime Redemptor.      2.

31 December.
Join in the Solemn Singing or Recitation, in Church, of the Te Deum.      26.1.2.

Other Occasions.

Anniversary of Baptism.
Renew your Baptismal Vows.      28.1.

Titular Feast of Parish Church.
Visit the Parish Church and say the Pater and Credo.      33.1.5.

Anniversary of Dedication of a Church or Altar.
Visit a Parish Church and say the Pater and Credo.      33.1.6.

Pilgrimage to International, National, or Diocesan Shrine.
a.      On the Titular Feast.      33.1.4.
b.      Once a year at the choice of the individual member of the Faithful.      33.1.4.
c.      Whenever participating in a group Pilgrimage.      33.1.4.
(N.B.  This only applies to Shrines constituted as such by the competent Ecclesiastical authority.)

First Communion.
Assist at the First Communion Mass.      8.1.1.

Pastoral Visitation.
Assist at the Sacred Function at which the Visitor presides.      32.

Blessed Sacrament Procession.
Take part in the Procession of The Blessed Sacrament.      7.1.3.

Fr. Finigan has also Posted a most interesting Article, headlined "PLENARY INDULGENCES NOT IMPOSSIBLE", at THE HERMENEUTIC OF CONTINUITY

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