Tuesday 23 September 2014

Honk Against Satan !!!

This Article can be found in full at TFP STUDENT ACTION


You'll want to see this video about the rally of reparation held in Oklahoma City against the satanic black mass

Here's the video for you:
And since you've been praying and protesting this outrageous sacrilege, I wanted you to be among the first to receive this short video and update from Oklahoma.
So much happened yesterday:
At 3:00, TFP volunteers joined thousands of fellow Catholics for a Holy Hour, procession and Benediction lead by Archbishop Coakley at St. Francis Church. The Church was jam packed and the overflow crowd spilled out into the street.
Later in the day, right in front of the Civic Center -- where the Black Mass was perpetrated -- the American TFP held a peaceful and prayerful rally of reparation against this grave offense against God.
Faithful from across the country arrived to console Our Lord and the Blessed Mother.
Multiple buses rolled in from Kansas.
A team of nineteen TFP Student Action volunteers drove down from Pennsylvania (1,291 miles one way). We were blessed to be able to stand up for Holy Mother Church, the true Mass, and the Holy Eucharist -- praying the rosary, holding signs and displaying banners outside the Civic Center.
Evil has never been so brazen.
God has never been so reviled in a public venue, with the complicity of city officials who refused to cancel the black mass. Never has the spiritual battle between good and evil been so apparent.
That's why you and I must continue to watch and pray.
Moreover, we must not grow tired of fighting the good fight. With Saint Michael Archangel, who won the most decisive battle in Heaven against Lucifer, we proclaim: Quis ut Deus! Who is like unto God.
Evil is eternally vanquished.
Thank you for everything you did to oppose the black mass. Your efforts and prayers are never overlooked by God.
May He reward you a hundred fold and truly transform America into one nation under God.
Keep fighting the good fight,

John Ritchie
John Ritchie
Tradition Family Property, Student Action
P.S. -- Placing all our trust in God and the Blessed Mother, me and my TFP Student Action colleagues are putting in long hours to build a national movement against the Black Mass.
We're even burning the candle at both ends, but there's only so much we can do by ourselves. We need YOU. That's why I'm counting on your prayers and swift action to share this alert with lots of people. To reach 100,000 petitions before it's too late.
Thank you for everything. 

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