Wednesday 1 October 2014

October. Month Of The Holy Rosary. "Adiutricem". Encyclical On The Holy Rosary, By Blessed Pope Leo XIII, 5 September 1895.

The Text of this Article can be found on CATHOLICISM PURE AND SIMPLE

Our Lady of The Rosary.

Excerpts from

In Mary, God has given us the most zealous guardian of Christian unity. There are, of course, more ways than one to win her protection by Prayer, but, as for Us, We think that the best and most effective way to her favour lies in The Rosary. 

We have elsewhere brought it to the attention of the devout Christian, and not least among the advantages of The Rosary is the ready and easy means it puts in his hands to nurture his Faith, and to keep him from ignorance of his Religion and the danger of error.

The very origin of The Rosary makes that plain. When such Faith is exercised by vocally repeating The Our Father and Hail Mary of the Rosary Prayers, or, better still, in the contemplation of The Mysteries, it is evident how close we are brought to Mary.

For, every time we devoutly say The Rosary in supplication before her, we are once more brought face to face with the marvel of our Salvation; We watch the Mysteries of our Redemption as though they were unfolding before our eyes; and, as one follows another, Mary stands revealed at once as God’s Mother and our Mother.

The sublimity of that double dignity, the fruits of her twofold ministry, appear in vivid light when, in devout Meditation, we think of Mary’s share in The Joyful, The Sorrowful, The Glorious Mysteries, of her Son. The heart is inflamed by these Reflections with a feeling of grateful love toward her and, esteeming everything beneath her as so much worthless chaff, strives with manful purpose to prove worthy of such a Mother and the gifts she bestows. 

Meditation on the Mysteries of The Rosary, often repeated in the Spirit of Faith, cannot help but please her and move her, the fondest of Mothers, to show mercy to her children.

For that reason, We say that The Rosary is by far the best Prayer by which to plead before her the cause of our separated brethren. To grant a favourable hearing belongs properly to her Office of Spiritual Mother. 

For Mary has not brought forth, nor could she, those who are of Christ except in the One Same Faith and in the One Same Love; for: “Can Christ be divided ?” All must live the Life of Christ in an organic unity, in order to “bring forth fruit to God” in the One Same Body. 

Every one of the multitudes, therefore, whom the mischief of calamitous events has stolen away from that unity, must be born again to Christ, of that same Mother whom God has endowed with a never-failing fertility to bring forth a Holy People.

And this Mary, for her part, longs to do. Adorned by us with garlands of her favourite Prayer, she will obtain, by her entreaties, help in abundance from the Spirit that quickeneth. God grant that they refuse not to comply with the burning desire of their merciful Mother, but, on the contrary, give ear, like men of goodwill, with a proper regard for their eternal salvation, to the voice, gently persuasive, which calls to them: “My little children, of whom I am in labour again, until Christ be formed in you.”

May the peoples of the East and West, and all the others, wherever they may be, profit by the suppliant voice of Catholics united in Prayer, and by our voice, which will cry to our last breath: Show thyself a Mother.

Blessed Pope Leo XIII.
Photogram of the 1896 film "Sua Santitá Papa Leone XIII",
the first time a Pope appeared on film.
This image was copied from wikipedia:de.
The original description was: Papst_Leo_XIII. um ca. 1898.
Public Domain. Library of Congress
(Wikimedia Commons)

The following Text is taken from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia,

Pope Leo XIII (2 March 1810 – 20 July 1903), born Vincenzo Gioacchino Raffaele Luigi Pecci, to an Italian Comital family, reigned from 20 February 1878 to his death in 1903. He was the oldest Pope (reigning until the age of ninety-three), and had the third longest Pontificate, behind that of Pope Pius IX (his immediate predecessor) and Pope Saint John Paul II. He is the most recent Pontiff, to date, to take the Pontifical name of "Leo" upon being elected to the Pontificate.

He is well known for his intellectualism, the development of social teachings with his famous Papal Encyclical "Rerum Novarum", and his attempts to define the position of the Catholic Church with regard to modern thinking.

He influenced Roman Catholic Mariology and promoted both The Rosary and The Scapular. He issued a record eleven Encyclicals on The Rosary, earning the moniker "The Rosary Pope", approved two new Marian Scapulars, and was the first Pope to fully embrace the concept of Mary as Mediatrix. He was the first Pope to never have held any control over The Papal States, after they were dissolved by 1870.

Blessed Pope Leo XIII died on 20 July 1903, at the age of ninety-three, and was briefly buried in Saint Peter's Basilica, before his remains were later Transferred to the Basilica of Saint John Lateran.

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