Thursday 16 October 2014

"The 'Gay Lobby' Appears To Have Taken Control Of The Church And Until The Pope Himself Comes Out With Clear Teaching, As Cardinal Burke Demands, To All Appearances He Seems To Be At The Very Centre Of That Lobby."

The Pope appears not to be taking the Synod very seriously.
Illustration: FR RAY BLAKE'S BLOG

Fr Ray Blake has an excellent Article on his Blog, FR RAY BLAKE'S BLOG which raises serious questions as to what Agenda the current Synod in Rome is trying to achieve. Zephyrinus's headline is taken from Fr Blake's Article.

One could be forgiven for thinking it's about time His Holiness The Pope started showing some Liturgical Leadership.

The farcical situation at the Synod puts Zephyrinus in mind of THE LAVENDER HILL MOB.

The Lavender Hill Mob.
Available on YouTube at

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