Friday 3 October 2014

The Holy Guardian Angels. Feast Day 2 October (Part Two).

Italic Text is taken from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal.

Non-Italic Text is taken from The Liturgical Year by Abbot Guéranger, O.S.B.
(Translated from the French by Dom Laurence Shepherd, O.S.B.)
Time After Pentecost, Book V, Fourth Edition, Volume 14. from

Illustrations taken from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia,
unless otherwise stated.

The Holy Guardian Angels.
Feast Day 2 October.


White Vestments.

English: Saint Gemma Galgani,
(The Flower of Lucca),
reported interaction with her Guardian Angel.
Français: Détail d'une photo de Gemma Galgani.
Date: 1901.
Source: Photo d'Enrico Giannini prise en 1901,
et conservée à "la casa Giannini" des Sorelle
missionarie di santa Gemma à Lucques.
Author: Philippe Plet. Reproduction à partir du cliché original,
colorisation et recadrage.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Although the Solemnity of 29 September celebrates the praises of all The Nine Glorious Choirs, yet the piety of the Faithful, in the latter ages, desired to have a special day Consecrated to The Guardian Angels. Several Churches having taken the initiative, and kept the Feast under various Rites and on different days, Pope Paul V (1608) authorised its Celebration ad libitum. Pope Clement X (1670) established it by Precept as a Feast of Double Rite on 2 October [it has been a Greater-Double since 1883], the first free day after Michaelmas, on which it thus remains in some way dependent.

It is of Faith, on the testimony of the Scriptures and unanimous Tradition, that God commits to His Angels the guardianship of men, who are called to contemplate Him, together with these Blessed Spirits, in their common fatherland.

Catholic Theology teaches that this protection is extended to every member of the human race, without any distinction of Just and Sinners, Infidels and Baptised. To ward off dangers; to uphold man in his struggle against the demons; to awaken in him Holy Thoughts; to prevent him from sinning, and even, at times, to chastise him; to Pray for him, and present his Prayers to God. Such is the Office of The Guardian Angel.

So special is his mission, that one Angel does not undertake the guardianship of several persons simultaneously; so diligent is his care, that he follows his Ward from the first day to the last of his mortal existence, receiving the Soul as it quits this life, and bearing it from the Feet of the Sovereign Judge to the place it has merited in Heaven, or to its temporary sojourn in the place of expiation and purification.

English: Guardian Angel, German postcard, 1900.
Deutsch: Schutzengel, deutsche Postkarte um 1900.
Polski: Anioł Stróż, niemiecka pocztówka ok. 1900.
Author: Unknown, similar to works by Fridolin Leiber.
(Wikimedia Commons)

It is from the lowest of The Nine Choirs, the nearest to ourselves, that The Guardian Angels are, for the most part, selected. God reserves to The Seraphim, Cherubim, and Thrones, the honour of forming His Own Immediate Court.

The Dominations, from the steps of His Throne, preside over the government of the Universe; The Virtues watch over the course of Nature's laws, the preservation of species, and the movements of the heavens.

The Powers hold the Spirits of Wickedness in subjection. The human race, in its entirety, as also its great Social Bodies, the Nations and the Churches, are confided to The Principalities; while The Archangels, who preside over smaller communities, seem also to have the Office of transmitting to the Angels the Commands of God, together with the love and light which come down, even to us, from the first and highest hierarchy.

English: Guardian Angel.

Deutsch: Schutzengel.

Author: Bernhard Plockhorst (1825–1907).

(Wikimedia Commons)

O, the Depths of the Wisdom of God ! Thus, then, the admirable distribution of Offices, among the Choirs of Heavenly Spirits, terminates in the function committed to the lowest rank, the guardianship of man, for whom the Universe subsists.

Such is the teaching of the School [Suarez. De Angelis, lib. vi. cap. xviii. 5.]; and The Apostle, in like manner, says: "Are they not all ministering Spirits, sent to minister for them, who shall receive the inheritance of Salvation ? " [Heb. i. 14.]



  1. I wonder if Guardian Angels get promotion. Not meant flippantly - but it seems hard, by human standards at least, if they have to take on one human after another.

    Mine drew the short straw.

    1. John. Thank you for your very good question.

      I say that, if Satan can get relegated, then some can get promoted.

      But then I'm not a Theologian.
