Thursday 20 November 2014

King Saint Louis IX (1214-1270). A Man With A Hair-Shirt. Grand Exhibition In Paris To Celebrate His 800th-Anniversary.

This Article, on the Grand Exhibition in Paris, France, celebrating the 800th-Anniversary of
King Saint Louis IX of France, can be read in full at MEDIEVAL HISTORIES


In connection with the Grand Exhibition in Paris, France, celebrating the 800th-Anniversary of
King Saint Louis IX, a large and beautiful catalogue has been published.

Saint Louis.

By Pierre-Yves le Pogam and Christine Vivet-Peclet (Eds)
Editions du Patrimoine Centre des monuments nationaux 2014
ISBN-10: 2757703412
ISBN-13: 978-2757703410

Saint Louis - catalogue cover

Review by Karen Schousboe.
Full Review is available at MEDIEVAL HISTORIES

This is a real Coffee-Table book, obviously meant to be perused during lazy afternoons in Winter-time. In this sense, the book lives up to one of the characteristics of the life and times of King Saint Louis IX. If people could afford it – and the French Royal Family obviously could – exquisite and delicate art was at their fingertips, in the form of incredibly-detailed ivory sculptures, glazed windows and, not least, covers and illuminated Manuscripts. Now, we can peruse renderings of all these delicacies for the paltry sum of €45.

A barefoot King Saint Louis IX carries The Crown of Thorns to Paris,
and instals it at Sainte Chapelle.

Sainte Chapelle,
Paris, France.
King Saint Louis IX carried The Crown of Thorns to Sainte Chapelle
Photo: 14 October 2005.
Source: Own work.
Author: Didier B (Sam67fr).
(Wikimedia Commons)

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