Saturday 8 November 2014

The Octave Day Of All Saints. 8 November.

Text and Illustrations from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

The Octave Day of All Saints.
8 November.


White Vestments.

The Church Triumphant.
The Church Militant.
The Church Suffering.

(Illustration taken from UNA VOCE OF ORANGE COUNTY
who reproduce Text and Illustrations from St. Andrew's Daily Missal, 1952 Edition,
with the kind permission of St. Bonaventure Press)

The custom of celebrating during eight days, the Feast of All Saints, was established by Pope Sixtus IV, in 1430, for The Universal Church.

Let us realise the part played by the Liturgy of The Church initiating us into the Liturgy of Heaven.

"As daughter of those very Choirs that are continually  singing before The Throne of God and The Lamb," said Pope Saint Pius X, as well as Pope Urban VIII, "it is proper that Divine Psalmody, by which the Spouse consoles herself during her exile for the absence of her Divine Lord, should be without fault or stain." [Editor: Some modern Liturgical practices please take note.]

Mass: As on the Feast of All Saints.

Commemoration of the Holy Four Crowned Martyrs as in the following Mass.
Mass: Intret.

St Andrew Daily Missal (Traditional Mass)

Available (in U.K.) from

Available (in U.S.A.) from

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