Thursday 11 December 2014

Pontifical Solemn High Mass From The Throne. Norwich Catholic Cathedral Of Saint John The Baptist. Feast Of All Saints, 1 November 2014.

Pontifical Solemn High Mass From The Throne.
Norwich Catholic Cathedral Of Saint John The Baptist.
Feast Of All Saints, 1 November 2014.

The following Text is from THE CHAIRMAN'S BLOG

On Saturday, 1 November 2014, All Saints' Day, Bishop Alan Hopes of East Anglia celebrated Mass in The Extraordinary Form in his Cathedral in Norwich, 'from The Throne'.

Various Bishops have celebrated The Traditional Mass in various places, but this is the first celebration by a Bishop in his own Cathedral 'from The Throne', that is, in The Most Solemn Form.

The Nave,
Norwich Catholic Cathedral.
Photo: 29 July 2014.
Source: Own work.
Attribution: "Photo by DAVID ILIFF.
License: CC-BY-SA 3.0"
Author: Diliff.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Bishop Hopes is used to Celebrating the Extraordinary Form Mass; as an Auxiliary Bishop in Westminster, he did this at least annually for The Latin Mass Society for a number of years.

We had been asking for Traditional Masses in Norwich Cathedral [Editor: Norwich's Catholic Cathedral is Saint John the Baptist.] for some time, notably for a Requiem Mass for a couple who were Parishioners and had left money for this purpose. We were therefore delighted when Bishop Hopes told us, after his Appointment to East Anglia, that he would break the ice by celebrating an Extraordinary Form Mass there, himself.

Norwich Catholic Cathedral
of Saint John the Baptist.
Photo: 25 June 2009.
Source: This file was derived from:
Author: O
riginal: Nigel Chadwick;
Derivative work: Rabanus Flavus.
(Wikimedia Commons)