Sunday 7 December 2014

Second Sunday Of Advent.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

Illustrations, unless otherwise stated, from UNA VOCE OF ORANGE COUNTY
(from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal, 1952 Edition), who reproduce them 
with the kind permission of ST. BONAVENTURE PRESS

Second Sunday of Advent.
Station at The Church of The Holy Cross in Jerusalem.

Indulgence of 10 years and 10 Quarantines.
Privileged Sunday of the Second-Class.


Violet Vestments.

John sent two of his Disciples to Christ.

The Blessed Virgin Mary, Saint Gabriel the Archangel,
The Prophet Isaias, Saint John the Baptist.

The whole of today's Liturgy is filled with the thought of Isaias (whose name means "The Lord Saves"), since he is, beyond all others, the Prophet who proclaims The Coming of Christ The Redeemer.

He foretold, seven Centuries before, that "a Virgin" should "conceive and bear" a son, "Emmanuel" (Isaias VII, 14), and that God would send His "Angel"; that is John the Baptist, who should "prepare His way before Him" (Gospel), and The Messias should come clothed with the Power of God, Himself [First and Second Antiphons of Vespers] to free all nations from the bondage of Satan.

"The Ox," says Isaias, meaning the Gentiles, "knoweth his owner, and the Ass, his Master's Crib, but Israel hath not known Me and My people have not understood" (Isaias I, 3). "The Root of Jesse," [the Jews say that by this "Root" is meant the Kingly Power of The Messias. It is Our Lord's Sceptre, meaning His Cross, for as David declares: "It is from the Tree that God will Rule the Nations."] he goes on, "shall rise up to rule the Nations (Epistle), and the deaf and the blind, plunged in darkness, that is the heathen, shall hear the words of release and shall see (Gospel).

English: Basilica of The Holy Cross in Jerusalem, Rome, Italy.
Italiano: Basilica di Santa Croce in Gerusalemme, Roma, Italy.
Latin: Basilica Sanctae Crucis in Hierusalem, Roma, Italy.
One of the masterpieces of the "barochetto romano",
by Pietro Passalacqua and Domenico Gregorini, from 1743.
Photo: 18 February 2006.
Author:: Anthony M. from Rome, Italy.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Then shall the true Jerusalem, that is The Church, "tremble with joy" (Communion), for all the Nations, sanctified by Christ, shall flow unto it (Gradual).

"The Messias," as Isaias explains, "will establish Salvation in Sion and Glory in Jerusalem," "Sion shall be strong, for The Lord shall be its wall and its bulwark," that is, its powerful Protector [Second Antiphon of Vespers].

The Station takes place at Rome in The Church of The Holy Cross in Jerusalem, which was built by Saint Helena to receive the Relic of The Holy Cross.

Every Parish Priest Celebrates Mass for the people of his Parish.

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