Monday 1 December 2014

The "Ins And Outs" Of Cricket. A Clarification.


You have two sides.


One out in the field.
And one in.

AUSTRALIA - Charles Kelleway #2 "1920's Test Cricketers" County Print Services 1994 Series 2 Collectable Cricket Card


Each man that's in the side that's in.
Goes out.


And when he's out.
He comes in.


And the next man goes in.
Until he's out.

Australian cricketer Charlie Macartney,
taken in the 1920s.
Illustration: CRICPIX

When they are all out.
The side that's out.
Comes in.

AUSTRALIA - Victor York Richardson #17 "1920's Test Cricketers" County Print Services 1994 Series 2 Collectable Cricket Card


And the side that's been in.
Goes out.


And tries to get out.
Those coming in.

Victorious heroes Indian cricketers celebrate their triumphant win over Australia

Illustration: CRICKET

Sometimes you get men still in.
And not out.


When both sides have been in.
And out.

ENGLAND - Ernest Tyldesley #13 "1920's Test Cricketers" County Print Services 1994 Series 2 Collectable Cricket Card


Including the not outs.

ENGLAND - Alfred Percy Freeman #12 "1920's Test Cricketers" County Print Services 1994 Series 2 Collectable Cricket Card


The winner is declared.

Illustration: THE TELEGRAPH

If there is one !!!

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