Friday 30 January 2015

Saint Martina. Feast Day, Today, 30 January. Virgin And Martyr.

Roman Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia,
unless otherwise stated.

Italic Text is from "The Liturgical Year",
by Abbot Guéranger, O.S.B.

Book II.
Fourth Edition.
Volume 3.

Bold Italic Text is taken from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal.

Madonna and Child with Saint Martina and Saint Agnes.
Artist: El Greco (1541–1614).
Date: 1597-1599.
Current location: National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.,
United States of America.
Source: [1]
(Wikimedia Commons)

Martina of Rome was a Roman Martyr, under Emperor Alexander Severus. She is a Patron Saint of Rome.

She was Martyred in 226 A.D., according to some authorities, more probably in 228 A.D., under the Pontificate of Pope Urban I, according to others. The daughter of an ex-Consul, and orphaned at an early age, she so openly testified to her Christian Faith that she could not escape the persecutions under Alexander Severus. Arrested and commanded to return to idolatry, she refused, whereupon she was subjected to various tortures and was finally beheaded.

The Relics of Martina were discovered on 25 October 1634, by the painter Pietro da Cortona, in a Crypt of Santi Luca e Martina, situated near the Mamertine Prison and Dedicated to the Saint.[1]

Pope Urban VIII, who occupied The Holy See at that time, had the Church repaired and, it would seem, composed the Hymns which are sung at her Office.

Her Feast Day is 30 January.

The Church of Santi Luca e Martina, Rome.
Photo: March 2006.
Source: Own work.
Author: Panairjdde (FlagUploader).
(Wikimedia Commons)

A Fourth Roman Virgin, wearing on her brow a Martyr's Crown, comes today to share the honours given to Agnes, Emerentiana, and Prisca, and offer her Martyr's Palm to The Lamb.

Her name is Martina, which the pagans were wont to give to their daughters in honour of their god of war. Her Sacred Relics repose at the foot of The Capitoline Hill, in the ancient temple of Mars, which has now become the beautiful Church of Saint Martina.

The Holy Ambition to render herself worthy of Him, Whom she had chosen as her Divine Spouse, gave her courage to suffer torments and death for His sake; so that, of her, as of the rest of the Martyrs, we may say those words of The Liturgy, "she washed her robes in The Blood of The Lamb". Our Emmanuel is "the mighty God, the Lord that is mighty in war", not, like the Mars of the pagans, needing  the sword to win his battles.

He vanquishes his enemies by meekness, patience, and innocence, as in the Martyrdom of today's Saint, whose victory was grander than was ever won by Rome's boasted warriors.

This illustrious Virgin, who is one of the Patrons of the City of Rome, is honoured by having her praises sung by one of the Popes. It was Pope Urban VIII who wrote the Hymns which are recited on her Feast, and which we subjoin to the Lessons which recount the glorious combats of our Saint.

English: Interior of the 
Church of Santi Luca e Martina, Rome.
Architect was 
Italiano: Chiesa dei Santi Luca e Martina, Roma. Interno.
Architetto: Pietro da Cortona.
This File: 12 February 2006.
User: Torvindus.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Saint Martina.
Virgin and Martyr.
Feast Day 30 January.


Red Vestments.

The Cycle makes us honour today a Virgin, who, by her constancy in the midst of the most atrocious torments, bore witness before all (Introit) to The Divinity of Christ, her Spouse (Gospel). "I  am a Christian," she declares to her executioners, "and I confess Jesus Christ."

The Epistle puts on her lips the words of Wisdom: "Lord, my Saviour, Thou hast become my help and protector." And she, herself, said, in the midst of her sufferings: "I love my Lord Jesus Christ, Who strengthens me."

Saint Martina was beheaded in 228 A.D., and joined in Heaven the train of Virgins who surround The Divine King (Alleluia). Her Remains rest in a former temple of Mars, transformed into a Church, which bears the name of this Virgin, whose name recalls that of the god of war.

Let us arm ourselves, to defend the Divinity of Jesus, with love of Purity.

Mass: Loquébar.

St Andrew Daily Missal (Traditional Mass)

Available (in U.K.) from

Available (in U.S.A.) from

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