Saturday 14 February 2015

Saint Valentine. Priest And Martyr. Feast Day, Today, 14 February.

Text is taken from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

Saint Valentine.
Priest and Martyr.
Feast Day 14 February.


Red Vestments.

Saint Valentine.

Saint Valentine was a Holy Priest of Rome, who was Martyred under the Emperor Aurelian in 270 A.D.

He co-operated in The Saviour's Redemption "by bearing The Cross after Him" (Gospel). "Having made the sacrifice of his life for Him, he finds it again" (Ibid.), for, "victorious in his terrible fight" (Epistle), God "crowns him in Heaven with glory and honour" (Offertory).

Sharing in a spirit of penitence the Redeeming Sufferings of The Saviour, let us ask Him, "through the intercession of Saint Valentine, to be delivered from al the ills that threaten us" (Collect).

Mass: In virtúte.

Saint Valentine receives a Rosary from The Virgin Mary,
Date: 1600s.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia.

Saint Valentine (Latin: Valentinius) is a widely-recognised 3rd-Century Roman Saint, Commemorated on 14 February and associated, since The High Middle Ages, with a tradition of courtly love.

All that is reliably known of the Saint is his name, and that he was Martyred and buried at a cemetery on the Via Flaminia, Rome, close to the Milvian Bridge, to the North of Rome, on 14 February. It is uncertain whether Saint Valentine is to be identified as one Saint or the conflation of two Saints of the same name. Several different Martyrologies have been added to later hagiographies that are unreliable.

Saint Valentine Baptising Saint Lucilla.
Artist: Jacopo Bassano.
Date: 1500s.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Because so little is known of him, in 1969 The Roman Catholic Church removed his name from the General Roman Calendar, leaving his Liturgical Celebration to Local Calendars. The Roman Catholic Church continues to recognise him as a Saint, listing him as such in the 14 February entry in The Roman Martyrology, and authorising Liturgical Veneration of him on 14 February in any place where that day is not devoted to some other obligatory Celebration.

English: Altar of Saint Valentine,
Whitefriar Street Carmelite Church,
Dublin, Ireland.
Polski: Ołtarz z relikwiami św. Walentego w Kościele Karmelitów przy
Whitefriar Street w Dublinie.
Photo: 27 August 2011.
Source: Own work.
Author: blackfish.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Use of the pre-1970 Liturgical Calendar is also authorised under the conditions indicated in the Motu Proprio "Summorum Pontificum" of 2007. Saint Valentine's Church in Rome, built in 1960 for the needs of The Olympic Village, continues as a modern, well-visited Parish Church.

Saint Valentine's Day, the Feast of Saint Valentine, is an official Feast Day in the Anglican Communion, as well as in the Lutheran Church. In the Eastern Orthodox Church, Saint Valentine, the Presbyter of Rome, is celebrated on 6 July, and Hieromartyr Valentine (Bishop of Interamna, Terni in Italy) is celebrated on 30 July. Notwithstanding, because of the relative obscurity of these two Saints in the East, Members of The Greek Orthodox Church named Valentinos (male) or Valentina (female) may observe their "Name Day" on the Western Ecclesiastical Calendar date of 14 February.

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