Thursday 12 February 2015

The Seven Holy Founders Of The Servite Order. Confessors. Feast Day 12 February.

Text is taken from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

The Seven Holy Founders of The Servite Order.
Feast Day 12 February.


White Vestments.

Chicago, Illinois, 
United States of America.

A Servite Church.
Date: 2 February 2008 / edited April 2008.
Author: Original by User:JeremyA , edited version by User:Capital photographer.
Permission: From Source: "Permission is granted for re-use under the terms of The Creative Commons licence specified below. The required attribution is: © 2008, Jeremy Atherton.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

Cupola in The Servite Mother Church,
Florence, Italy.
Photo: 10 June 2007.
Source: Own work.
Author: sailko.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The Servite Order.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Today, The Liturgy honours seven noble Florentines, who, "in 1223, enriched The Church with a new Religious Family" (Collect). They received, by a providential circumstance, from the mouth of little children (Introit) the name of "Servants of Mary".

Illustrious by their birth, these Founders became still more so by the salutary influence of their Order (Communion) in France, Germany, and Poland. "Their Race endures for ever and their glory shall never be dimmed" (Epistle), for they survive in their Disciples.

English: Servite Church, Innsbruck, Austria.
Deutsch: Servitenkirche, Innsbruck, Ă–sterreich.
Photo: 11 July 2007.
Source: Own work.
Author: Andrew Bossi.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Leaving everything, they retire to Monte Senario, near Florence, Italy, atone by their austerities for the sins of guilty men [Hymn at Matins] and, clothed in mourning Habit, shown to them by The Virgin, they constantly meditate on The Passion of Jesus and The Dolours of Mary at the foot of The Cross (Collect, Postcommunion).

"Burning with love for The Sorrowful Mother of Jesus" (Secret), "let us join in the tears" (Collect) of The Saints whom we honour, today, in order that "deserving to enjoy the Fruits of Christ's Redemption" (Postcommunion), "we may also have a share in their joys" (Collect).

Mass: Justi decantavérunt.

Alexis Falconieri (+ 1310), one of The Seven Founders of The Servite Order.
Date: 2 October 2008.
Author: D0bermalek.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia.

The Servite Order is one of the five original Catholic Mendicant Orders. Its objects are the Sanctification of its Members, Preaching the Gospel, and the propagation of Devotion to The Mother of God, with special reference to her Sorrows.

The Members of The Order use O.S.M. (for Ordo Servorum Beatae Mariae Virginis) as their Post-Nominal Letters. The male Members are known as Servite Friars, or, Servants of Mary.

The Order of Servants of Mary (The Servites) is a Religious Family that embraces a Membership of Friars (Priests and Brothers), Contemplative Nuns, a Congregation of Active Sisters and Lay Groups.

St Andrew Daily Missal (Traditional Mass)

Available (in U.K.) from

Available (in U.S.A.) from

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