Thursday 19 March 2015

New Bishop. Ancient Mass Celebrated In Dioecesis Dunkeldensis.

This Article, unless otherwise stated, is taken from RORATE CAELI


The monthly Mass has been introduced on a trial basis. The recently-appointed Bishop of Dunkeld, Right-Reverend Stephen Robson, is behind the initiative, supported by the work of Una Voce Scotland.

Bishop Robson had been approached by a group of around sixty people, who requested The Traditional Mass, which set things in motion.

The Bishop of Dunkeld, Right-Reverend Stephen Robson,
"In Choir" ("In Choro") during Mass.

The inaugural Mass was on Sunday, 15 March 2015, at Saint Joseph's Convent Chapel, Dundee, Scotland. Edinburgh-based Fr John Emerson FSSP was the Celebrant.

Bishop Robson sat "In Choir" ("In Choro") and the event was a great success, with some 130 people present, including many young adults and teenagers. Catholic Students from Saint Andrews University provided the music and some of the Altar Servers.

[Additional information and pictures from the Diocese's own website. Our most heartfelt congratulations to the Bishop of Dunkeld !]

Diocese of Dunkeld
Dioecesis Dunkeldensis

The Right-Reverend Stephen Robson.,
Bishop of Dunkeld, 
Dundee, Scotland,
photographed meeting the Congregation
after his Consecration, 9 June 2012.
This File: 12 June 2012.
Source: Own work.
Author: Mark.hamid.

The following Text is taken from THE DIOCESE OF DUNKELD WEB-SITE


Bishop Robson thanked all who responded to his invitation to come and celebrate Holy Mass in The Extraordinary Form at Saint Joseph’s Chapel, Lawside (Sunday, 15 March 2015).

“There were about 130 people present,” said Bishop Stephen Robson, “the original group who petitioned me were about 65 in number and so the numbers participating were much higher than expected with a fairly large number of young people and teenagers.

“The beautiful High Mass was celebrated by Fr John Emerson FSSP and served by our own student servers with music provided by the students of Saint Andrew’s University chaplaincy.”

The Cathedral of Dunkeld Diocese,
The Roman Catholic Cathedral of Saint Andrew,
Dundee, Scotland.
This File: 10 October 2012.
User: Croberto68.
Author: Bill Nicholls.
Attribution: Bill Nicholls.
(Wikimedia Commons)

A short meeting after the Mass revealed a general acceptance that, if the Mass in The Extraordinary Form should be offered on a regular basis, it would be supported and greatly appreciated. Accordingly The Mass has been arranged for a Monthly Celebration until Christmas, for whence the practice can be re-assessed.

The Extraordinary Form of The Mass will be Celebrated on the 3rd Sunday of the Month, at 4 p.m, In Saint Joseph’s Chapel, Lawside, Dundee.

The dates for 2015 are as follows: 19 April; 17 May; 21 June; 19 July; 16 August; 20 September;
18 October; 15 November; 20 December.

The Mass will normally be Celebrated by Father John Emerson FSSP, to whom we are grateful for his pastoral care.

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