Friday 13 March 2015

Sweet Sacrament Divine.

Fr. Patrick D’Arcy, a brand new Priest for the Archdiocese of New York, celebrated his First Holy Mass in The Extraordinary Form, in May 2013, at Blessed Sacrament Church on the Upper West side of Manhattan, where Msgr. Robert C. O’Connor is Pastor. And a great moment, here, when the new Priest is giving his First Holy Communion to his little niece, named Abby.
Illustration and Text: FR. Z's BLOG

"Sweet Sacrament Divine".
Available on YouTube at

Why not ask your Parish Priest
for this to be sung
during Communion
at your Masses ?

Sweet Sacrament divine, 
hid in Thine Earthly home; 
lo! round Thy lowly shrine, 
with suppliant hearts we come; 
Jesus, to Thee our voice we raise 
In songs of love and heartfelt praise 
Sweet Sacrament divine. 

Sweet Sacrament of peace, 
dear home of every heart, 
where restless yearnings cease, 
and sorrows all depart. 
there in Thine ear, all trustfully, 
we tell our tale of misery, 
Sweet Sacrament of peace. 

Sweet Sacrament of rest, 
Ark from the ocean's roar, 
within Thy shelter blest 
soon may we reach the shore; 
save us, for still the tempest raves, 
save, lest we sink beneath the waves: 
Sweet Sacrament of rest. 

Sweet Sacrament divine, 
Earth's light and jubilee, 
in Thy far depths doth shine 
Thy Godhead's majesty; 
Sweet light, so shine on us, we pray 
that Earthly joys may fade away: 
Sweet Sacrament divine.

The Catholic Church of Corpus Christi, Maiden Lane, London.


The Parish of Maiden Lane is situated in the Westminster Deanery, London. It was founded in 1873 and Consecrated on 18 October, 1956. Often referred to as the “hidden gem” of The West End, the, then, Archbishop Cardinal Henry Manning said, during his Homily at The Opening Mass, that “a Sanctuary has been opened to be specifically Devoted to The Adoration of The Blessed Sacrament”.

This was the first Church Dedicated to The Blessed Sacrament after The Reformation. The famous Catholic Hymns, Sweet Sacrament Divine and O Sacred Heart, were written by The Parish Priest, Fr. Francis Stanfield (1835-1914). The Church is also known as “the Actors’ Church” and is the home of The Catholic Association of the Performing Arts (formerly, the Catholic Stage Guild).

A very famous Priest visitor to the Parish, over many years, was Monsignor Ronald Knox. He first preached his Forty Hours Sermon in 1926, at the invitation of Father Kearney. This became a regular feature in Mgr Knox’s diary from 1926 until 1956. These Sermons were published by Burns and Oates in 1956, under the Title “The Window in the Wall”, and the charming and touching dedication of this book is: “To the Memory of Father Kearney and to his successors.”

For decades, The Latin Mass Society has also Celebrated Mass here. A young adults’ Prayer Group meets here, weekly, and this is a vibrant place of worship and an oasis of Prayer and calm – open all day long for visitors, tourists, those who work and live nearby, and shoppers, to pause and pray.

Unless otherwise stated, Illustrations and Text, relating to Corpus Christi, Maiden Lane, London, are from the CHURCH'S WEB-SITE

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