Tuesday 19 May 2015

Catholics In San Francisco Rally To Support Their Archbishop.

The following Text is from CATHOLICVOTE.ORG

This picture says it all.

Hundreds of Catholics showed up at a picnic in San Francisco last weekend.

Their purpose ?

To show their love and support for their shepherd, Archbishop Cordileone.

This photo shows the laughter and joy as a dove hovered around the Archbishop.

I’ll leave it to you to draw any connections. 

As you know, the media onslaught against the Archbishop of San Francisco has been relentless. We are grateful to those men and women who organised this picnic, and to all those people who came to show their support. I can only imagine how happy their support made Archbishop Cordileone.

Members of CatholicVote have also shown their support for the Archbishop. Late last week we sent $54,385.00 to the Archdiocese of San Francisco. And we plan to send more later this week.

I’m proud to see so many Catholics from every corner of our Country
step forward in defense of an Archbishop under such personal attacks.

Please, please continue to Pray for our Bishops, especially Archbishop Cordileone in San Francisco. 

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