Sunday 28 June 2015

Bishop Athanasius Schneider Counsels Catholics On How To Resist Heterodoxy.

This Article is taken from CATHOLIC

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"Excerpts from the original interview with Bishop Schneider which first appeared on the Web-Site have been re-printed with the kind permission of the Editor.

"It is a sad truth that we are in a time of great crisis in The Church. God is with us, however. You have asked me what The Faithful can do to combat the errors spreading through The Church. I would like to answer with some suggestions:

"We must create groups of true Catholics, scholars, families, and Clergy, who will spread courageously the full Catholic truth, especially on The Church's teachings on the family, on nature, and the Commandments off God.

"As a means of this aim, we must make use of all the resources that the modern World offers to us. We are not confined to waiting for the Media to spread these messages. We do not have to wait for each individual Pastor to preach them from the Pulpit.

"We should embrace the new Media forms that allow us to spread the Gospel and the teachings of our Holy Mother, The Church.

"We should take our message to the Internet, publish it on Web-Sites, Blogs, and Social Media."

[Zephyrinus Editor: Bishop Fulton Sheen stated that, when The Church was under attack, she would be saved "not by the Bishops, nor by the Priests, but by the people of The Church, The Faithful".]

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