Monday 22 June 2015

How To Serve.


The ever increasing interest, in The Liturgical Traditions of The Church, gives rise to the need for adequately trained Altar Servers, and what better way to assist than to resurrect this classic Altar Boy Manual ! This famous handbook is an invaluable resource for all Altar Boys, from beginning to advanced.

Thanks to The Canons Regular of St. John Cantius, in Chicago, whose Religious Brothers Serve The Traditional Latin Mass, daily, we have been able to include multiple, high quality, digital images of the positions and actions of the Servers, in this newly-typeset edition.

Though written for Instructors, this Manual can also be used for Home Study, Schools and Sacristies.Dom Matthew Britt begins by offering specific instructions on common Ceremonial actions, including how to make the proper bow, how to light the Candles, and how to carry the Missal.

He also walks the Servers step-by-step through Low Mass (with one or two Servers), High Mass, Solemn High Masses, Nuptial and Requiem Masses, Vespers and Benediction of The Blessed Sacrament.

Contains more than twenty-four precise diagrams, showing the various actions and positions of Acolytes, Thurifer, Master of Ceremonies, Sub-Deacon, and Deacon. Includes Servers' responses for The 1962 Latin Mass. How to Serve is a brief and clear Manual, from 1934, that is simply the best book of its kind. It will once again become the Standard Reference for Acolytes, handing on to young Servers the disciplines necessary for reverent Catholic Ceremonies.

Rev. Joseph W. Kavanagh, author of The Altar Boys Ceremonial, observes that every Altar Boy
“should realise that . . . he is, after the Priest, and in the absence of other Priests or Sacred Ministers, the closest one in the whole Church to Our Divine Saviour in The Blessed Sacrament. Occupying this very important position in his Parish, an Altar Boy's conduct should be exemplary at all times and in all places.” 

 How to Serve

In Simple, Solemn and Pontifical Functions.
By Dom Matthew Britt, O.S.B.
Product #: SY364
Order Now


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