Friday 17 July 2015

Saint Alexius. Confessor. Feast Day 17 July.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

Saint Alexius.
Feast Day 17 July.


White Vestments.

English: Stained-Glass Window of Saint Alexius in the Church of Saint Alexis,
Griesheim-près-Molsheim, Alsace, France.
Français: Alsace, Bas-Rhin, Griesheim près Molsheim, Eglise Saint Alexis, Verrière
"St Alexis" des Frères Ott (XXe).
Photo: 6 June 2012.
Source: Own work.
Author: Ralph Hammann.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Saint Alexius was born at Rome, towards 350 A.D., of a wealthy family; his father being the Senator, Euphemian. Guided by The Holy Ghost, he renounced his patrimony and piously visited, as a Pilgrim, the Sanctuaries of The East. He died in the 5th-Century A.D., under the Pontificate of Pope Innocent I.

His body was buried in the Church which bears his name on Mount Aventine, Rome. He is honoured there, together with Saint Boniface, to whom the Church had originally been Dedicated.

Mass: Os justi.

The following Text is from The Pre-1911 Roman Breviary
(Volume II. Summer).
Translated out of Latin into English by
John, Marquess of Bute, K.T.
Date: 1879.

Saint Alexis.
Feast Day 17 July.


Prayer throughout The Office.

O God, Who, year by year, dost gladden us by
the Solemn Feast-Day of Thy Blessed Confessor,
Alexis, mercifully grant unto all who keep his birthday,
Grace to follow after the pattern of his Godly conversation.

Through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who liveth and
reigneth with Thee, in the unity of The Holy Ghost, one God,
World without end.


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