Monday 3 August 2015

O, My Saviour. O, Mon Sauveur.

O My Saviour Jesus Christ,
only object of my desires.
Illustration:  HOLY CARD HEAVEN

Obsecro Te
(I beseech Thee).

Priests who say this Prayer in thanksgiving after Mass
gain an indulgence of three Years applicable to The Souls in Purgatory
(Blessed Pope Pius IX, 1846).

He who says it, if possible, kneeling, may Obtain the pardon of any faults or mistakes
of Which he may sono stati guilty as the result of human frailty
During the Celebration of Mass (Blessed Pope Pius X, 1912).

I beseech Thee, most sweet Lord Jesus Christ,
That grant Thy Passion may be to me in power
by Which I may be Strengthened, protected and defended.

May Thy Wounds be to me food and drink,
by Which I may be nourished, inebriated and overjoyed.
May the sprinkling of Thy Blood be to me an ablution for all my sins.

May Thy Death testing me to everlasting life,
and Thy Cross be to me an eternal glory.
In These be my refreshment, my joy,
my preservation and sweetness of heart.

Who livest and reignest
World without end.


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