Tuesday 22 September 2015


Text is  from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

Illustration: TE DEUM LAUDAMUS !

Latina: Missale Romanum ex decreto Sacrosancti Concilii Tridentini restitutum S. Pii V. 
Pontificis Maximi jussu editum Clementis VIII. Urbani VIII. et Leonis XII. Auctoritate 
recognitum. Editio decima octava post alteram uti typicam a S.C.R. declaratam. Ratisbonae, 
Romae, Neo Eboraci et Cincinnati. Sumptibus et typis Friderici Pustet, S. Sedis Apostilicae 
et Sacr. Rit. Congr. Typigraphi. MDCCCCXI.
English: "Missale Romanum": a 1911 printing of the 1884 Typical Edition.
Date: 13 September 2009.
Source: Own work.
Author: JoJan.
(Wikimedia Commons)

One of The Collects (Latin: "Oratio")
seen here in a Burns Oates Missal of 1952.
Illustration: BEN YANKE

[The term "Collects" designates not only the Prayers said between the Gloria and the Epistle, during The Mass, but also the Secrets and the Postcommunions. The same classification and regulations are applicable to all of them.]


Commemorations, Additional Collects and Votive Collects.

a.   Classification.

There are several kinds of Collects:

1.   The principal Collect of The Day and the special Collects or Commemorations of the Saints, Octaves, Ferias, or Vigils, commemorated in The Mass of The Day;

2.   The Additional Collects of The Season, of which there are seven:

      i.   Of The Blessed Virgin;
      ii.  Against the Persecutors of The Church;
      iii. For the Pope;
      iv.  To implore the Intercession of The Saints;
      v.   For The Living and The Dead;
      vi.  For all The Faithful Departed;
      vii. Of The Holy Ghost.

      and, finally, those at the option of the Priest.

      These Prayers vary according to The Season of The Year.

3.   The Votive Collects, such as that for The Exposition of The Blessed Sacrament, that prescribed by the Bishop (or, "Imperata"), and various other Collects added out of Devotion.

b.   General Regulations.

As a matter of principle:

1.   On Double Feasts, the Collect of The Day only is said, unless Commemorations have to be made, or some special Collect is prescribed by the Bishop;

2.   On Semi-Double Feasts, there are three Collects - one of The Day and two of The Season. If there is a Commemoration to be said, only one Collect of The Season is said, which takes the third place, being omitted altogether if there are several Commemorations;

3.   On Simple Feasts, Ferias, and Vigils, there are three Collects, the same as on Semi-Double Feasts. But, out of Devotion, the Priest is allowed to increase the number of Collects to five or seven. [Editor: Note. Always an odd number of Collects and never more than seven (maximum).]



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