Monday 14 September 2015

Our Lady Told Mother Mariana: "Shortly After The Middle Of The 20th-Century, The Catholic Spirit Will Rapidly Decay . . . The Sacrament of Matrimony . . . Will Be Attacked And Deeply Profaned . . ."


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unless otherwise stated.

Our Lady of Good Success (Spanish: Nuestra Señora del Buen Suceso; Filipino: Ina ng Mabubuting Pangyayari), also called Our Lady of Good Events, is one of the Titles of The Blessed Virgin Mary. This Title is shared among numerous images around the World — a number of images in Spain, one in Quito, Ecuador, and one in Parañaque City, Philippines. It is claimed that Quito's image had produced an apparition - to Mother Mariana de Jésus Torres.

In 1577, five Conceptionist Sisters travelled from Spain to Quito, Ecuador, to start the first Convent. Mariana de Jésus Torres, one of the young Nuns, is said to have seen The Blessed Virgin Mary. On
2 February 1610, as Mariana was Praying, The Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to her and commanded a statue be made to her likeness.

Statue of Our Lady of Good Success,
Quito, Ecuador.
Original image is found in
Used with permission.
This File: 11 November 2006.

User: Mark j.


“First, so that men in the future might realise how powerful I am in placating Divine Justice, and obtaining Mercy and Pardon for every sinner who comes to me with a contrite heart. For I am The Mother of Mercy and, in me, there is only goodness and love.

"When tribulations of spirit and sufferings of the body oppress them, and they seem to be drowning in this bottomless sea, let them gaze at my Holy Image and I will always be there, ready to listen to their cries and soothe their pain. Tell them that they should always run to their Mother with confidence and love . . ."

Over the course of ten years, Mother Mariana struggled with the issue of completing the statue. Many obstacles prevented its sculpting. One obstacle was a fear of idolatry on the part of the native people in Quito. Another, was Mother Mariana’s personal fear of not being believed and thus putting the Convent in jeopardy.

In the year 1610, she asked the permission of the Bishop to create the statue. The sculpting of the statue of Our Lady of Good Success was given to Francisco del Castillo. Castillo was chosen as he was a talented sculptor and a devotee of The Blessed Mother. The statue of Our Lady of Good Success was Blessed on 2 February 1611.

Portrait of Mother Mariana.
(The Lily of Quito).
Used with the permission of the web author.
This File: 11 November 2006.
User: Mark j.

On that day, the statue was placed above the Seat of the Abbess' Chair, at Our Lady's own specific request, as a sign to all that she was the one who governed and watched over the Convent. Her official Title being that of “Mary of Good Success of The Purification”.

The apparitions of Our Lady of Good Success began on 2 February 1594 at the Conceptionist Convent in Quito, Ecuador. The Virgin Mary repeatedly appeared to Venerable Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres, identifying herself as 'Our Lady of Good Success'.

The apparition requested that a statue be made in her likeness and made several predictions concerning a crisis in The Church, specifically a Fall in Vocations, a Lack of Availability of The Sacraments and a Fall in Moral Standards in the 20th-Century.

The apparitions were approved by the local Bishop, Salvador de Riber, on 2 February 1611. In 1991, The Vatican granted the Canonical Coronation of Our Lady of Good Success as 'Queen of Quito', after being petitioned by the Archbishop of Quito.

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