Friday 16 October 2015

Bogurodzica ("Mother of God"). The Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen Of Poland.

Zephyrinus is grateful to Bones, at THAT THE BONES YOU HAVE CRUSHED MAY THRILL
for the Text of this Article.

Coat-of-Arms of Poland.
Date: 22 November 2012.
Source: Own work.
Author: TRAJAN 117.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Bogurodzica - najpiękniejszy hymn Polski.
Available on YouTube at

Bogurodzica ("Mother of God") is a Polish Catholic Hymn dating back to between the 10th-
and 13th-Centuries, which has since then been sung in battle or facing an oppressor.

Bogurodzica dziewica, Bogiem sławiena Maryja,
U twego syna Gospodzina Matko zwolena, Maryja !
Zyszczy nam, spuści nam.
Kyrie eleison !

Twego dziela Krzciciela, bożycze,
Usłysz głosy, napełń myśli człowiecze.
Słysz modlitwę, jąż nosimy,
A dać raczy, jegoż prosimy:
A na świecie zbożny pobyt,
Po żywocie rajski przebyt.
Kyrie eleison !

It is sung in times of Peace, too, to commemorate those times when
The Blessed Virgin Mary has protected Poland,
of which she remains the only Queen.

Virgin, Mother of God, God-famed Mary !
Ask Thy Son, Our Lord, God-named Mary,
To have mercy upon us and hand it over to us !
Kyrie eleison !

Son of God, for Thy Baptist's sake,
Hear the voices, fulfill the pleas we make !
Listen to the Prayer we say,
For what we ask, give us today:
Life on Earth free of vice;
After life: paradise !
Kyrie eleison !

Let us also Pray it for the Polish Bishops.

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