Tuesday 13 October 2015

The Miracle Of The Sun. 13 October 1917. Fatima.


The Miracle Of The Sun.
13 October 1917
Available on YouTube at

Today is The Day of World Reparation for ALL the horrible Sacrileges, Indifferences and Hatred, by which Our Lord in The Eucharist, is outraged.

Let us make fervent HOLY COMMUNIONS with Our Eucharistic Lord, offering Him all the Love of His Eternal Father, of His Eternal Spirit, of His Purist Mother, of His Most Chaste Foster Father, Saint Joseph, and of all the Angels and Saints, the Souls in Purgatory, and The Just, on Earth, in Loving Reparation, and Thanksgiving, for His Infinite Love and Mercy.

Tell many others. Let us make this a HUGE Act of Loving Reparation, and cry out with ALL our hearts:

"Viva Cristo Rey".

With that most profound respect which divine faith inspires,

O my God and Saviour Jesus Christ,

true God and true Man,

I adore Thee,

and with my whole heart I love Thee,

hidden in the most august Sacrament of the Altar,

in reparation of all the irreverences,

profanations and sacrileges, that I,

to my shame, may have until now committed,

as also for all those that have been committed against Thee,

or that may be committed for the time to come.

I offer to Thee, therefore, O my God,

my humble adoration, not indeed,

such as Thou art worthy of,

nor such as I owe Thee,

but such, at least,

as I am capable of offering;

and I wish that I could love Thee

with the most perfect love

of which rational creatures are capable.

In the meantime,

I desire to adore Thee now and always,

not only for those Catholics

who do not adore or love Thee

but also to supply the defect,

and for the conversion of all heretics,

schismatics, libertines,

atheists, blasphemers,

sorcerers, Mahomedans,

Jews and idolaters.

Ah ! Yes, my Jesus,

mayest Thou be known,

Adored and loved by all

and may thanks be continually given to Thee

in The Most Holy and August Sacrament !

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