Saturday 28 November 2015

Beata Es Virgo (Blessed Is The Virgin). Diego Ortiz. Cantar Lontano. Marco Mencoboni.

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Illustration: PINTEREST

"Beata Es Virgo"
(Blessed Is The Virgin).
Composed by Diego Ortiz.
Sung by: Marco Mencoboni and Cantar Lontano.
Available on YouTube at

"Alma Redemptoris Mater".
For Six Voices.
Composed by Diego Ortiz.

Sung by: Marco Mencoboni and Cantar Lontano.
Available on YouTube at

Claudio Monteverdi, Vespers (1610).
"Lauda Jerusalem".
Sung by: Marco Mencoboni and Cantar Lontano.
Available on YouTube at

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